jstamm33's forum posts
Hi all,
first off I know laptops aren't good for gaming, but its what ive got right now. Anyways, I got a asus k53s and it has a intel i7 2630QM running at 2ghz with turbo boost bumping it up to 2.9ghz. Is there anyway I could force it to run at 2.9ghz when playing a game? I don't see the meter showing that its going up to 2.9. Also does anyone know of anyways to boost gaming performance on a laptop (software wise) also is it okay for me to OC the cpu on it a little bit?
thanks guys and gals
Hi all,
I know laptops are not meant for gaming, but I'm stuck with a laptop right now due to school. Anyways, I heard that you can hook up graphics cards to laptops using some some kind of connecting piece. Does anyone know anything about how this works or where I can buy the connecter? Also would I need to buy like a cheap little psu for the card? I haven't built any comps lately, what would be a good card for less than $200 that can max out bf3? ive got a nvidia 540gtm in the laptop right now, what is that comparable too? how does this compare to a 6870 or something else around that range?
my laptop specs are
Asus K53S
i7-2630QM 2 ghz (up to 2.7)
6gb ram
win7 64 bit
nvidia gt 540m
[QUOTE="markop2003"]Why not just upgrade? Also better at what?GummiRaccoon
Something mysterious happened to his computer, it no longer exists. Thus he cannot upgrade it.
I had to sell it to pay for a new motorcycle, but I just got diagnosed with epilepsy, got my license suspended for 6 months, so now im selling the motorcycle and buying a new gaming computer. So can anyone figure out a build for me? hahaThis is a challenge to all you builders out there. I used to have a pretty decent gaming computer (specs in sig) that I don't have anymore and I want to build another one, preferably something better. I'll put the budget at $900ish.
Here is what I need:
-mouse and keyboard
hit me with your best shot!
some girls pull off the nose stud real well others it just looks bad..But the chicks that I'm always with that have it make it look really good. belly button studs can be hot to as long as shes got a flat tummy...on fat chicks it just looks like something got stuck between the layers lol
I used to have the rig in my sig, but I had to sell it to buy a new motorcycle. But I just found out I have a medical condition and my license got suspended so I'm selling the bike to get a new rigRight now EVGA has a brand new model GTX 460 Ultra clock out for only 199.99 free Just cause 2 and Mafia 2 game Something to consider there..
Also... If the rig in your sig what you game on now?
I haven't built a rig in a while, so any input or things I should change on this one?
cpu and mobohttp://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.581363
graphics cardhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102909
optical drivehttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106276
power supplyhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817341018
total $1,162.90
so what should I change if anything? I want to be able to max out or come darn close to it with BFBC2, COD:BO and other new shooting games
I used to have a really nice gaming setup, but sold it to new a new motorcycle, but due to medical reasons I can no longer ride. So now I'd like to build another setup, but since I haven't been keeping up with the tech I'm completely lost.
Basically I need a desktop with somewhat close to these specs:
Ram: 4 to 6 gigs (ddr3 or ddr2)
CPU: Defenitly has to be a quad core
HDD: about 250 to 320 gigs should be okay
Mobo: whatevers
Graphics Card: I am completely lost, I used to have a 5830 and it maxed out BFBC2. I'd like something same speed or faster
Monitor: 19" to 23" ( if need be I could buy one on craigslist, so if budget is tight, then skip on it)
I'm putting my budget at around $700...Links to newegg are prefered.
thanks guys and gals
ya thats what I'm going for, I'd be content with $1500You should start with whatever number KBB gives as the number a Dealership would sell it for. A smart buyer is going to try and negotiate you down anyways.
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