tell her the truth..otherwise when your doing it for the first time she will think you just flat out suck, but If she knows your a virgin then she won't mind. Most girls don't really mind, in fact some enjoy it ha..please explain guys..why should i tell her the truth or why not?
jstamm33's forum posts
How about you call XFX and complain?keiblerfan69and say what? give me a better card?
I RMA's my old 9800gt and got an 5670 1gb, I don't know if those cards are "equal" or what not, so could someone help me out? Also I'm currently running a 5830, and I have a spare pciex slot, so I was wondering, Could I stick the 5670 in there as a physics card or something? Would doing so boost my fps in games?
It happens all the time...Personally, if a girl is flirting with me that I don't like, I'll usually go along with it, but the second she touches my arm or something. I'll straight up tell her to back the **** off...
while talking to her say "hey, whats your (her bestfreinds name) like? she seems really nice and I wanna **** her brains out, or until she can't walk straight"
short summary for you. I own both games, BFBC2 is the better game by far and here's why:
-its cheaper in price
-better gameplay
-better graphics
-people actually work together (using mic's etc)
MW2 is full of hackers and is pretty poor in general..Although I must say that I DID enjoy the singleplayer in MW2 than BFBC2..You will enjoy BFBC2 if you decide to buy it
funny thing I just had this same situation..I hooked up with this chick, but didn't really mean anything by it...I guess we're kinda alike cause girls always confuse me being nice, with flirting...But anyways, this girl kept texting me, messaging me on fb, calling me, and I told her that it wasn't nothing, and told her to I don't talk to her, her friends still like me tho :P ha..don't you guys love highschool?how do i get a girl to stop liking me and not come off as an a-hole. When i am just being myself, the nice friendly guy that i am, girls seem to mistake that for flirting and they believe that i am interested in them. So when a girl likes me and i dont like her, i dont know what to do. I kind of just pretend like i dont know the girl likes me and i stagnate the relationship and they end up resenting me for it. But how do i get a girl to stop liking me without hurting her feelings, or just breaking the friendship that we have. I cant exactly just say, "hey, by the way, i dont like you".
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