[QUOTE="jstamm33"]Nice! Man, I wish I had the will to wake up at 4am... let alone workout at 4am. Ohwell, I can bench 275lbs and I weigh 198lbs, so I'm content :P well I'm only so strong haha..it makes the entire day longer and get more stuff done in general...I'm joining the Army in about 10 months so at least my sleeping habits wont' be too much of a "jump" haYES! ha I've done sports all my life played soccer for a few years, played baseball all the way to highschool, then switched to wrestling, quit after my sophmore season because of knee, wrist, shoulder and neck injuries :P Now I just lift everyday (4am baby!). But yes I weight about 145 lbs and bench 175lbs so I would def consider myself somewhat fit hehe
jstamm33's forum posts
Haha. :P Americans can play, too... unless you're from Mexico, cuz that's rare. :P Unless you're even lower, cuz that's like... very very rare. Lawl. :P
Im just in Louisiana. Hangin out in the deep south :D Only seen snow a couple of times but whatever, I make up for it with our vacations to the Rockies.
To answer your practice question we did a 3 mile Indian run, plyometrics, and then our ab workout.
3 miles? That's a long run. But not as long as the Dawe run. But I mean, just for practice, that's really long. Good job. :)
I remember doing 7 mile "fun runs" for wrestling....they were not fun in ANY way, shape or form...YES! ha I've done sports all my life played soccer for a few years, played baseball all the way to highschool, then switched to wrestling, quit after my sophmore season because of knee, wrist, shoulder and neck injuries :P Now I just lift everyday (4am baby!). But yes I weight about 145 lbs and bench 175lbs so I would def consider myself somewhat fit hehe
you can still get the warranty if its XFX. I didn't have the reciept for mine, just take out the card and look on it, and it will have a tag with model # and serial #, then go register it, and when it asks when you purchased it, put a date within 30 days ago..Thats what I did, just got a replacement a couple days ago too. :D
they didnt ask for a copt of the reciept? i know other GPU companys ask for it. by mail email fax ot uploaded to there site.
nope! just go to xfx's website click support, register, then file a ticket, and fill the rest in, and your good! if you need help pm meanyone seen the parkour episode of the office? :P
you should upload a vid of your parkour and let OT rate it ha
you can still get the warranty if its XFX. I didn't have the reciept for mine, just take out the card and look on it, and it will have a tag with model # and serial #, then go register it, and when it asks when you purchased it, put a date within 30 days ago..Thats what I did, just got a replacement a couple days ago too. :D
18 hours as a spy, and 8 backstabs in 1 life..smeh I guess :P
seriously though, playing whilst drunk and yelling into the mic has never been so much fun
I think he will "blow it" hahahah pun intended :Ptell her your a virgin. girls love that trust me. she obviously wants you. its your big moment bud. dont blow it
What I did is when I registered it, I just set my purchase date too a few weeks prior even though I purchased it about 4 months prior...and I just my replacement in the mail yesterday..
lets see a pic of her haha
just kidding! thatd be really weird :P
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