ahhh... $16 would have been a steal! I would say 30 is about right though - a lot of nintendo/mario games dont usually drop too much in price, especially one as good as galaxy - definitley worth the price!
jukitup's forum posts
I love my Wii :)
I would probably say Galaxy too... but once I completed it I haven't really gone back to it (except a few times). So as a soccer fan, I would say Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 :)
Yeah, I think that was when I loved it too. I liked it when it announced, I really liked it once I put the disc in my wii, I LOVED it at ^ this moment though![QUOTE="Sgt_Crow"]The moment the title came up and Mario said; Super Marioooooo Galaxyyyyyy!! FFCYAN
this thread = hilarious :lol:
For the Conduit:
- More open maps, more outdoors would be great
- Interactable environment - turrets, vehicles, opening desk drawers... something! there was very little interaction available in the first Conduit
- Variety in mission objectives - sniper missions? some espionage? hostage situations maybe (I thought it was weird that there were no other regular people around in the Conduit.. if everyones already dead or evacuated there's no sense of urgency)
- instead of one man against the world, how about a team of people - could open up more mission objectives (save your injured teammate and get him to safety?), this could open up co-op play
- Local multiplayer!! and co-op, maybe some additional special co-op missions
- More use of ASE - i like the scanning enemies for information idea
Great game, but some improvements will go a long way!
i agree with this. As Well as a more balanced Diffcullty, and no Respawn for the enemies Some levels felt too easy, and others way too hard for me at least. hte 5th and 6th missions were cakewalks, and the 7th level was a pain, the so was the 4th. the second and third were extremmly easy.
I don't want to see specialized missions if they are anything like CoD:WaW (controled, extremely linear events -- I want to write the story, not strictly follow a pre-written script). I would much prefer an open game where a sniper rifle was the only weapon able to get you through an area or out of a sticky situation. I would also like to see less radar. Radar just kind of ruins the surprise of finding an enemy in a room. It also makes it nearly impossible to sneak up on people. I agree that I dont want the missions to be too controlled. I don't want a mission objective to be 'snipe out the enemies to proceed', but a mission where you can run and gun and get nowhere.. then think maybe its better to snipe some of these guys out. The respawn is really what restricted any use of strategy - you had to run and gun to get to the eggsacs/conduit to stop them coming, and that really became the mission/strategy for every level.i vote Tiger. although punch-out is a great game.. i think tiger should win out just because of the tons of features and great use of M+
I disagree... those goombas will get you if you're not paying 100% attention! they can cause frustrating deaths in the NES Mario's!A goomba most likely.
If by 'Super Mario' you mean Super Mario Galaxy... then I would get that. Especially if you've played Twilight Princess before on GC
Some of my friends think brawl is to complicated of a game man how could a game get any easyertartardksame here.. we usually play mario kart, rock band, or wii sports.
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