[QUOTE="jukitup"]Yeah but mario tennis has weapons, gimmicked courts ect. Maybe that is what he wants. if thats the case i would probably go for the GC version, the motion didn't work well for me. it reminded me a little of sega superstars tennis, but its been so long since ive played that so i dont know how well my memory is serving mei personally didn't like the NPC version. if you have a M+ or plan on getting one then i would get Virtua Tennis or Grand Slam
jukitup's forum posts
i remember that happening to me a few times a longg time ago... i dont even remember what game i was playing, but it hasn't happened since, so it might not be anything too serious. (i doubt the fan is really doing much either.. but keep it there if it seems to be good luck :))
Unless they are going to make a starfox like the N64 one, then i really am not to worried about seeing one. The GC one is ok, but if you really looking for a Star Fox, get the 64 one off the VC.da_chubyup, the starfox64 on VC should give you a good fix - still hoping for a wii version sometime though
haha.. i was going to ask the same thing - but i agree also that if you dont want to spend as much money go for a used remote, but stick with original nintendo wiimotesJust have one question, how do you win a Wii in a 360 tournament?
i personally didn't like the NPC version. if you have a M+ or plan on getting one then i would get Virtua Tennis or Grand Slam
I thought the board games were to long and boring and the minigames were ok but even the ones that were good stil were to short and you could spend longer getting the minigame ready than actually playing it. cosmic_ghosti agree.. i liked a lot of the minigames, but you would have to play for an hour to actually get 15 minutes of actual gameplay. i think they should make a new mario minigame game but rethink the whole board game concept and come up with something new.
you should probably use the recommendations sticky...
but i have both games and love them both -- but im guessing since you want to trade you're probably not happy with the conduit? if thats the case then punch-out is a great game and you might as well trade. if you like to play conduit online then that might have a better replay value (i play it more than punch-out now). so i guess it really depends on how much you like the conduit! that game seems to have a love/hate relationship with most people. but i dont think you'll be disappointed with punch-out
For the Conduit:
- More open maps, more outdoors would be great
- Interactable environment - turrets, vehicles, opening desk drawers... something! there was very little interaction available in the first Conduit
- Variety in mission objectives - sniper missions? some espionage? hostage situations maybe (I thought it was weird that there were no other regular people around in the Conduit.. if everyones already dead or evacuated there's no sense of urgency)
- instead of one man against the world, how about a team of people - could open up more mission objectives (save your injured teammate and get him to safety?), this could open up co-op play
- Local multiplayer!! and co-op, maybe some additional special co-op missions
- More use of ASE - i like the scanning enemies for information idea
Great game, but some improvements will go a long way!
that's a little disappointing that there will be no new suits... but with yoshi and power ups im still pretty excited for SMG2!
2.. i have 3 remotes but i think 2 will be enough (i only have 2 nunchuks and its usually not a problem for me)
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