@santinegrete I don't know... I wouldn't say that's always the case. Yahtzee's XCOM review was positive and hilarious XD On a second note, I think it's good to have some positive episode, if not feedbackula could grow stale.
@Lhomity @kagento I never implied that you said it was illegal. What I said (and you) is that you're presuming that everyone with a jailbroken device doesn't have the best intentions in mind, and I think that mindset is pretty judgemental. It's easy to claim a higher moral ground, and it's just as easy for anyone to crumble it down.
Should legal buyers be punished just because they wanted more from their device?
Wanting to screw around with your own system is not allowed? Did you think the same of those that had the Linux OS in the PS3?
Not defending pirates, but I'm pretty sure that even you in some moment of your life have downloaded, copied or cracked something. In any case, open your mind a bit, mate. Not all is black and white.
kagento's comments