@andmcq In 2033, as soon as 1 soldier caught a glimpse of you, they would go berserk and rally towards your position, which personally I found annoying because it left no space for "one attack here, hide, another attack there" as well as ruining my immersion. In 2034 they went too far and it turned out too easy to go past humans... Well, hopefully they'll find a middle ground for the 3rd installment. :)
@andmcq I agree that the stealth mechanics where overly powerful in 2034. But 2033's instant all-enemies-know-exactly-where-you-are was much more annoying and cheap imo.
@19James89 At the end of the Wii cycle we have seen pretty good JRPGs coming out, so I think we can expect something good coming out.
About Bomberman, if I'm not wrong, the franchise belongs to Konami now, and they don't seem keen on developing it any further. It would be nice to get a Bomberman in the vibe of the early 90's classics instead of the trash that followed after.
@19James89 As of right now, no. However, Nintendo has always survived despite the odds and I'm curious to see what they can pull off to pick up the situation.
They are the only surviving console manufacturer of the 80's for some reason, no? I think they deserve some credit.
You can say what you want about the WiiU's failure, but as soon as Nintendo starts coming up with the really good first party games this can turn around quickly. I think it's too far behind to be on par with the PS4 and the Xboner and they haven't explained properly the system to the casual crowd, but it can still be profitable for Nintendo.
@19James89 @comb5 Ye... EA screwed up releasing ME3 on WiiU while the ME Trilogy was shipping everywhere else. Didn't understand that move at the time and I still don't...
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