@mdinger: Pillars 2 is every bit as good as DoS2. For me, they're different in all the right ways and I give both of them a 10. Lots of content, lots of meaty side quests, lots of fun, kept me engaged!
The way the pillars story plays out and the background of the characters is actually far more compelling to me than DoS2.
Also, I cannot understand docking a story driven rpg for being too verbose, skip the dialog if you don't care and let those of us that enjoy reading dive in.
@NorseLax09: Consoles haven't come close to closing the gap between PC and Console performance. In fact the gap is larger now than it has ever been.
I own them all and each platform has its place but the price point of a console inherently forces it to be a lower performing device. That doesn't mean bad - just trying to clarify that consoles are not catching up with gaming PCs in terms of performance and freedom.
Off Topic: with Microsoft making its games available for both Windows and Xbox, I don't know why I have an Xbox One X. At least Sony is making killer story driven games that make me think my PS4 Pro is useful. I don't get the Xbox direction currently.
@Utnayan: I liked SoD1 and as long as it's not a buggy mess I will likely enjoy this game. I personally wasn't a fan of 7 Days to Die.
I understand what you're saying about tethered coop. It's just not game breaking for me. The range of the tether will matter but can't judge that based on this preview.
The quote that really sums up why this preview review is so bizarre: "Who knew the zombie apocalypse would be so punishing?" We all did. That's kind of the point.
Many of the negatives he spoke of are either positives or not really a big deal for me. Freedom to choose how you want to progress, Coop has to stick together, it's difficult.
Only the host can select quests is not an issue. And the line about knowing who the host is sounds more like whining than an actual gameplay issue. You know it's not you.
The bit about it being hard because objectives require certain skills and supplies also seems to fit perfectly with a zombie survival game. As does having to abandon a mission because a vulnerable base is under attack. They've explicitly stated that a well defended/stocked base can take care of itself so I'm assuming there are cases you can ignore that kind of thing.
The fact that you have to cancel missions to swap characters is annoying - I'd like to think you could go to the base and do a swap there without having to cancel. Still not game breaking but I get the gripe.
He admits that he barely played the original but seems to have a full grasp of bugs that have been in the game since the original. I mean, it's running on an entirely new engine: UE4 and not Cryengine. I can't imagine it's a string of the exact same bugs. Some specifics here would have been nice.
@joshrmeyer: Probably referring to all of the streamer and user video of gameplay related to the game. There has been a lot of coverage on the content they let us have access to and people posted their opinions on that.
@Ovirew: Yeah, people love to hate things on the internet. I agree that's it's an amusing nod to a development norm. Sea of Thieves has a very lighthearted tone that makes people want to act like fools. I love it!
@DeviantCode: I mean, just always have a save potion ready for those moments. They're really easy to craft and you get 3 per 'brew' at the alchemy station (I think).
kappamerc's comments