Once again another article is missing the point. You are making a game for your users. If your vision is A and the users want B to make your users happy you would make it B. Maybe your vision A didn't turn out how you thought it would. That's called learning. Them changing based on feed back just shows they care about the people they make the game for. Doom 3 was the first game i ever pre-ordered. Doom 3 had major lighting issues. Its way to dark 90% of the time. It was like you were playing in pitch black all the time. I think that took away from the experience of Doom 3. The changes they made should help with that.
@spenceslivn I agree skyrim was not all it was cracked up to be. Played Diablo 3 beta it will be fun, BEST THING EVER not IMO but i have friends that breath Diablo.
I go intel for the hyper threading. No matter how you cut it intel still edges out AMD in benchmarks if you max out your rig. If you want to build a pc on a budget I would def go with AMD since the difference you would see as a person is tiny, its manly in numbers.
@uncagedpaul_86 so basically only post in the comments that you praise the reviewer? lol that's not what comments are for they are for compliments and complaints. I would be fine with 7.5 if he did focus on sp being different than MP which is the case in every game. This makes me feel he doesn't know enough to review a game.
kargion's comments