@jinzo9988: Its not too late to sue Kojima. Lets face it, money is way more important than being a nice guy. You can only afford to be nice when you are rich.
Carpenter can get together with Ridley Scott (Snatcher), Michael Beihn (Metal Gear) and the Russian composer of the MGS theme song and do a collective lawsuit. The collective settlement would be massive.
He heard the song somewhere and told his boy to make duplicate, same with Blade Runner and Snatcher, and Escape from New York and Metal Gear's stolen Terminator artwork. Buddy just loves taking other good ideas he sees and making it his own and then plastering his name all over it.
Its no coincidence that all his games are somehow related to plagiarising others.
@grin89: They used to be able to get away with it, but actor's are suing them now. The Last of Us was the first of many to get sued for blatant usage of actors without paying the actors.
The Japanese love using famous actors without paying them, they used Misaki Eto a famous Japanese actress for Yakuza 2 and never paid her a dime, even hired someone to emulate Eto's voice.
The sham's over, actors are catching on, and you can't get away with it anymore.
LOL, Kojima has a life long love affair for plagiarism. Snake even refers to himself as Snake Pliskin in one of the games.
Snatcher = Blade Runner
MGS Snake = Snake Plissken (Escape from New York)
Metal Gear = Michael Biehn (Terminator)
FYI He did get sued for stealing the Metal Gear Solid Theme song from a 70s Russian Composer which is why they stopped using the theme song. Watch the video of Kojima getting caught red handed for plagiarism, watch him pretend he knew nothing about it, its epic.
@elessarGObonzo: Because it defeats the whole purpose of home consoles. If you want tiered performance based on your hardware spend, they game on PC. That's what PCs are for, multi-tiered gaming based your ability to spend on hardware. Console gaming is based the philosophy that everyone gets the same game on every machine.
You change that and consoles and PCs become one in the same, if that happens, why ever bother playing console games, it costs more and the performances are varied.
You cannot make the argument that making consoles the same as PCs as being a good thing, because PC games are more less free, consoles would lose massive leverage in the market place.
@justerthought: Explain to me what the difference is from consoles and PCs if you introduce multi-tiered game performance? A console becomes a PC when you strip consoles of unified performance across the board.
So, if my console is the same as a PC, and I'm paying 60 bucks for a nerfed version of a game, why on Earth would I bother gaming on consoles? When I can spend money and build a PC and get all my games for FREE and not spend a penny on Sony's expensive monthly servers fees?
If a console is no different than a PC, then I choose to game on PC everytime, because A) its free no DRM, and I pirate everything. B) No monthly server Plus Account fees.
The Only reason I play console games is for its unified game performance, you remove that and I'm choosing free games on PC everytime. I couldn't care less about ethics, I'll save my money and just get everything for free and Only spend money on upgrading my PC performance.
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