God please, you anti graphic priests, can we have one topic without your god damn preaches. Just one topic without some smart ass saying "gameplay is more important, blah blah blah."
I'm so sick and tired of you guys, we get it, its ALL about the gameplay, you HATE all things graphics. Good for you, nobody cares. Just keep your gameplay religion to yourself.
I can't read a single topic without these graphics Nazis and their preachy gameplay is king BS.
That looks dangerously close to Jennifer Lawrence to me. They really need to be careful with stealing actor's looks in video games. Looks like a repeat of The Last of Us all over again. Video game designers need to either make up new faces or just hire actors to do the facial mapping, this whole stealing famous actors for games is getting ridiculous. You want Lawrence hire her, but don't steal her.
Loved Beyond 2 Souls, my favorite game on PS3 bar non, love the whole throwing snowballs bit, that was never before done in gaming. But they gotta watch out on making too much similarities with actors without actually hiring them, I know game designers wanna work with famous actors, but you can't just steal them.
@cornbredx: Dude just gave you a link that tells you Iroquis = Snake from the Mohawk tongue. Yet you ignore it. Do I need to find someone from the Mohawk nation and get them to tell you the origin of the word in person?
And what do you think of my SPECTER 007.1 film, according to you I won't get sued, cause its semantics right?
@cornbredx: I guess the taste of sour grapes don't work well with you. How do you like the Iroquis link, I'm sure that's a coincidence there too.
You argue semantics yet can't stand it when your semantics work against you via online links.
Looks like Poirot's met his match.
Maybe I should make a movie tomorrow called 007.1 and have a main character named James Bonde agent 007.1 and call the film "Specter" I'm sure I won't get sued according to you.
Snake is plagiarised from Carpenter amongst many other things. And yes, all these companies end up settling outside of court because a lawsuit is bad press.
God knows how much Konami has ponied up over the years for Kojma's plagiarising habits. They had to omit an entire song due to it.
P.S The whole point of a settlement outside of court is not to report it, Einstein. I'm dealing with Poirot over here.
@cornbredx: You do know that Iroquis means Snake, right.
It only becomes a lawsuit when you don't settle. Nobody ever gets sued when they settle. And yes, it was Page. Sure she walked away with a nice neat sum for doing nothing.
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