@dcoutten: You're sexist, that's that. Learn to relate to the opposite sex. Learn to project yourself on characters that are not your sex. It'll help you become a more rounded person.
Like I said some of the greatest gaming characters I've ever played were female, and I'm a dude.
And Link does have a story, he has one in every single Zelda game. Have you ever played a single Zelda game. Link is not some randomly generated RPG character like in Oblivion, he has a gender and a story related to his gender.
Noticed you purposely ignored my other comment since you cannot defeat my argument because you are sexist.
@dcoutten: Do you see how this same logic can be applied to every video game ever made starring a woman. I.E Lightning from Final Fantasy, Samus from Metroid. The new heroine from Horizon Zero Dawn, etc, etc, etc.
By your logic because men cannot relate to these female characters, then all men should be allowed to troll every single topic about these games asking for them to change the female protagonists into male ones?
So, just cause Samus, Lightning, Aloy (Horizon) are female characters, men cannot relate to them and cannot project themselves onto them? How sexist are you? Really, do you hear what you are saying?
So men cannot relate to female characters and all female characters need to be changed to men, and women cannot relate to male characters and hence all male characters need to be changed to women?
Do you realize how sexist you are making yourself out to be?
I as a man, found some of the most profound gaming characters ever to be women. Time and time again, I profess that Beyond Two Souls is one of the greatest games ever made, and I totally was able to relate to the female lead, and would never in a million years ask that she be made into a male character.
Learn to relate to the opposite sex and stop being sexist. Gaming characters can be both male and female and the player should be able to relate regardless, based on the character not the sex.
@dcoutten: No, posting a PC gender slant comment in a topic that has nothing whatsoever to do with Link's gender is PC.
If I ask you what kind of coffee would you like to have, and you say that the female race needs more CEO jobs, its called being PC. Don't change the topic to bring something completely outside the scope of the original conversation for personal agendas.
Do you see PC guys trolling Horizon Zero Dawn topics asking for them to change the female protagonist into a dude? Or how about PC men trolling Metroid topics asking them to change Samus into a dude?
No, because PC has a limit, when you start trolling in the name of PC, then you are no longer PC, but rather just a troll.
Its about damn time they used voice actors in Zelda games.
The games always had dialogue for those who actually play the games. It was always voiced in some weird awkward gibberish language that somehow Nintendo thought was cool, it wasn't.
All they are doing is changing their horrible gibberish language into real human language, which is a god send, cause their gibberish was atrocious. Wasn't even good Game of Thrones gibberish, it was just straight up playschool gibberish.
I never to this day understood why Nintendo opted to use annoying gibberish instead of real language. I guess they are finally admitting that they were wrong.
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