I like the Paper Mario games, but I'm kinda sad they replaced the original Mario RPG with Paper Mario franchise, they really should have kept them both as seperate franchises. Because Paper Mario only allows you to use Mario, and what made Mario RPG great was that you had full party, and even Bowser was on your team.
I hope they bring back Mario RPG in the future, it was much better than Paper Mario,
@mari2kde: Actually EU caused more problems then it solved. From mass migration to economic burdens from failed EU states, the list goes on. Its a great notion kinda like communism, but due to inequality amongst members is just not realistic. Kinda of like if Asia decided to create an AU and share borders and currency, and financial burdens, how long would that last?
Bound to happen, UK like Russia is too big to be a part of EU. Ideal notion but unlikely to sustain itself for long, since the disparity between EU states is just too wide. Such vast economic gaps in between members makes it hard to sustain.
On a side note why is there tax credits for game developers, isn't it a booming industry? Why does it need media subsidies?
@hussin005: Look I watch the show, and I've read some of the books, but I don't pretend its rocket science. The show is not bad, that's it. Martin is not bad as a writer, but he ain't no Tolstoy or Tolkien.
That was my point. No need to get all hot an heavy. Episode 9 was actually pretty good.
If there is one thing I like about Martin's writing is his immaculate understanding of how reality works and that all the plans in the world don't amount for shit if luck is not on your side. Time and time again, characters try to manipulate situations and people only to find themselves dead, and people like Snow whose about as dumb as a rock and has zero plans and zero strategies, seems to make it because of dumb luck alone. Snow could die a million times, and because he's lucky, he'll end up succeeding in life.
That is the only good aspect of Martin's writing. He acknowledges that the secret to life is luck, which very few writers will use as plot device.
@hussin005: The debate was simple I said Martin is a shite writer, you said he is brilliant. Then you started calling me names when thing weren't going your way.
Martin pretty much kills off the most popular character in the franchise for shock value, then realizes that he needs to sell more books to feed himself, albeit the dude is already very well fed. So, he conjures up some leprechaun magic to bring the dead character back, and now Snow is walking around like he never even died. No after effects from dying, he's just chilled as a cucumber.
That's what you consider good writing? And I'm not even gonna get to the horrendous dialogue that Martin comes up with.
"Don't bring me back to life if I die again" "Ok, I can't promise that though"
You can be a fan of the franchise, but just live with the fact that its pretty bad writing. That's all. I watch the show, cause I wanna finish what I started, but I don't consider it to be a great literary work. Game of Thrones is just soap opera for the masses, that's it.
@Kougeru: I would listen if the acting and facial animation is up to snuff.
I listened to every single line in Mass Effect and Witcher 3, cause the facial animation and voice acting all aligned to something that felt cinematic.
Its not just VA, its the visuals matching the VA. If they are both good, then I rather listen then read.
@Kougeru: Japanese VA tends to fall into anime tropes, which is more or less the same character with the same personas, using the same jokes with the same actors over and over again. If you've never watched an anime in your life than Japanese VA can be good, but after a while they are all exactly the same.
But I feel English VA when not using those cheesy anime actors, can be very diverse almost cinematic. English VA is only bad when they use the same anime trope actors, IE they are trying to emulate the same horrible Japanese anime actors. That's why JRPG Eng Dubbs are so horrible, they are based on anime tropes and bad voice acting to begin with but when you try to copy it using American anime actors it makes it even worse. Tales franchise is the worst offender.
With Game VA you need to hire different actors for different roles, and can't fall back to tropes.
@hussin005: You know you lost the debate when you resort to childlike insults.
You sir, just lost a debate of logic and reason.
You cannot defeat my reason. I already explained all the reason's Martin's shite writer, you have no come back for that.
Deus Ex Machina is for gradeschool children. Only in children's fantasy can people be brought back to life using unicorn tears and leprechaun magic, boy.
I'm done. And yes Martin did change his name to make him sound more talented. LOL
kazeswen's comments