Yeah this is becoming normal in media nowadays as they become harder and harder to recoup investment on.
Watch how many Executive Producer and Producer credits are in films nowadays. Most opening credits in indie movie is filled with nothing but producer credits.
@davedrummer88: They don't need to bring back the name, still call it Paper Mario, but give us a proper RPG with leveling and a full party, not just Mario with a hammer.
@TeslaCoi1: Remember the old game when you could use Bowser and he had the invincible secret armor that you had to climb up like 20 bean stalks to get. That was the shit. Loved that game.
@Klyern: Remember the original Gouls and Ghosts, that shit was hard. I remember a bunch of games back in the days that were like, yo how my supposed to beat this.
The original game was boring as fck. They should have just made Whore of the Orient to begin with, Shanghai is a much better setting for a noir then LA
@uncha1n3d: They should have never replace Mario RPG with Paper Mario. Mario RPG was a much better game, you actually had a party as opposed to just one character.
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