@livedreamplay: I have nothing against cheesy soap operas, don't need to defend it. I just call it as I see it. I still watch the show, albeit its become a modern day soap. I just hope this soap ends soon, cause its getting a bit tiring.
@livedreamplay: Uncles that didn't exist showing up out of nowhere to challenge for power, dead characters coming back to life every other episode, brother and sister love affair, yeah, its a soap opera. It even has cheesy soap opera dialogue to match.
Its like Dallas for the masses.
"Tune in next week when iron island chick evil uncle comes back to kill her father and steal her throne, and you thought Snow was dead, nope, a witch brings him back with unicorn magic, and if you thought the giant was dead, nope some random religious dude saves him from getting smashed in the skull with a rock. Tune in to Dallas, I mean Game of Thrones for a new and exciting season." LOL
@dashaka: No he didn't bring it up cause she would not have been able to resurrect Snow if he did. He brough it up now cause the writer knows that you can't keep someone around who can resurrect dead people at will, its just bad for plotting.
Yeah, he literally forgot about her for like 3 seasons and suddenly out of nowhere he decides he wants the witch banished, how conveniently done.
The witch and Snow's resurrection was bad writing to begin with cause the moment you open up the door to unlimited resurrection, you kill any meaning of death. This was the best they could come up with to rectify the poor writing, more poor writing.
Its like how do I get rid of this witch who can resurrect Snow over and over again, oh yeah, lets banish her. Really?
There was better writing from 80s soap operas, actually its about the same. LOL
@amillionhp: Yeah, Snow is the dumbest character in the series, literally survives on sheer luck. But its fairly close to reality, some of the most successful people in the world are dumb as doorknob and succeed on sheer luck alone. People underestimate the value of luck as it decides just about everything in life. I think the writer again an again shows people that planning and cunning don't really amount to much since luck usually wins out in the end. LOL
Snow can slip and fall on his own sword and have the sword break just in time to save his life. Thats how lucky this dude is.
Its all so damn soapy. I couldn't help but laugh when Davos started to pretend to care about the burnt girl out of nowhere. Having not given a shit about it for like 3 seasons, he suddenly pretends to care. Why you ask, because the writer says so, also they can't have the witch hanging around bringing everyone back to life whenever the writer needs more book sales, it would make the series pointless.
Its become a full fledge soap opera at this point, but I did like how they finally that annoying religious geezer, he was damned annoying with his bad acting and his pomp.
Please wrap this show up asap, getting very long in the tooth.
@pjosephson: At 3 bills, the XB1 S is the cheapest most versatile 4K Bluray player in the market. Its pretty much buying a 4K Bluray player and getting an XB1 for free.
Its the perfect Trojan horse for the Holiday season when everyone is looking for 4K bluray player for their 4K TV.
Sony pulled the same trick with PS3, at one point it was the cheapest Bluray player in the market when Bluray was still new.
A lot of times nowadays Zelda is being delayed because a console is failing and the Zelda game which was originally designed for one console is ported to a new console to help push launch sales.
Twilight was delayed to help sell Wiis and this game is being delayed to help sell NXs.
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