YESSSSS! Shit just got real. Thank God. I miss the days of $800 launch consoles. This brings back memories of PS3 day one, when the system cost $700 and was state of the art.
I'm putting aside some money just to buy this beast. The day of Uber expensive consoles is back. Thank you MS.
I'm expecting MSRP of $800 at launch with MS taking a $200 loss on each unit. The golden era is back.
@smkfreak: Pain and Gain really surprised me, cause like you I had no idea it was based off of such a horrific story. But I commend Bay for turning something so sinister into a entertaining dark comedy, any other director with that script, would have been unwatcheable.
The thing with Bay is whenever he delves into films with some depth, audiences don't watch them. Its like people want him to remain shallow. His better films almost always tank, and his fluff always do well. Its odd, I guess people just wanna see Bay doing Transformers. Kinda sad. Cause he can do good films with depth, but he's kinda shoe horned into his position of making popcorn fluff.
@smkfreak: To each their own, when it comes to cinema. Mind you Michael Bay's "The Rock" was released by Criterion (an axiom of arthouse), and was and still is considered a great American film. Also, his films "The Island" and "13 Hours" are very well reviewed. Michael is no Ridley, but the fact that he is the only MTV Gen director to ever get a film released by Criterion is a testament to his underrated stature. I think its cool to bash Bay, but in all honesty the man has made some great films over his career. In the commercial relm, I think Bay is still leagues ahead of many of the other Hollywood commercial directors, but he ain't no Cameron or Scott.
You should got back and re-evaluate Bay's works, you may find that you will still like some of those films now as an adult as you did a kid. "The Rock", "The Island", "Pain and Gain" and "13 Hour" are all great films by Bay. Sadly whenever Michael Bay makes a good film that critics like, they tank at the box office. All his best films did poorly, all his dumb films do phenomenal. Idiocracy comes to mind.
@smkfreak: Look, the first thing about not being a film SNOB, is to learn to judge all things in accordance to its own merit and criteria. Any self proclaimed film film buff who cannot judge a Michael Bay piece differently from say a Wong Kar Wai piece is just a plane snob, period. I love cinema, which is to say that I love all kinds of cinema, the intelligent, thought provoking, to the mindless and adrenaline inducing. Each style of cinema deserves its own judgment based on its core set of values.
One cannot in good taste EVER place a Michael Bay style film in the same criteria as an Antonioni style film. One is designed for pure commercial consumption, the other for pure artistic expression.
Famous film director Bertolucci "Last Emperor" once said that arthouse film and commercial film are two separate mediums, one is the director having an internal monologue with themselves, and the other is the director trying to have a external dialogue with everyone. To judge both in accordance to their own merit is pivitol to being a film fan. I can love Michael Bay's films just as much as I love Antonioni's films, why? Because I judge each for their own criteria, and do not use a single axiom to judge all cinema. The fact that you must belittle Michael Bay to feel like a film enthusiast, shows that you understand little of cinema.
P.T Anderson once quit filmschool because his teacher was bittling James Cameron and Terminator. This shows an advanced understanding of cinema. Each film must be judged in accordance to its own genre and hence one can love art and commerce equally.
Now, that I got film lecture out of the way. Yes it is a little pre-mature to judge that the film is turd without seeing it, but like I said, I reserve my decision on not to spending any money a film that I percieve to be a turd. If the filmmakers wanted my money, and the money of all non Warcraft fans, they could have remedied it by A) making a better trailer B) hire some movie stars C) Make the film look less cheesy, aka more realistic looking CGI, D) Just make the whole damn thing a cartoon. Given the decisions that were made by the filmmaker, its very hard for people like me to be willing to spend my money on it. Hence its current box office trends.
@nessfalco: That and China's new generation has a major hardon for movies with bad CGI mixed with bad human actors. The highest grossing film in China now is "The Mermaid", its laughably bad.
The newest trend in China is really bad CGI mixed with really bad actors, mixed with really bad plot = $$$
@mi_hung_lo: Yes, it did. Its like they didn't even try to make the CGI look realistic. It's like some Roger Rabbit, Space Jam shit, but unlike those movies, its actually trying to be serious.
I couldn't stop laughing at how bad the trailer was. It was like they dropped some bad actors into the middle of a Warcraft cutscene and said, here go act.
Anyone who says the CG is amazing is smoking some good shit. Cause' it looks like a cartoon.
kazeswen's comments