They release Just Dance for everything. Hell they still release it on the Wii. They'd release Just Dance for a cardboard box if they could figure out to get it running.
@Lamesy: Yeah, that was sneaky, I like it. MS just won a new fan. I was planning on skipping XB1 since I have a PS4, but a full 4K system that costs over 700 is too much for me to let pass. I'm gonna get this on day one. Since I have a 4K TV, this will double as my 4K Bluray player.
#@westsiderz28: I bought the PS3 for $700 at launch. It retailed at $699 day one. Tons of people like me bought the PS3 on day one, So, yeah it will sell to people like me who have money.
Plus this console is not for everyone, there is already a $300 Slim version, plus the old XB1 for even cheaper.
This is a console for rich people. If you can't afford it buy the XB1 S for 300.
The only way to make a console powerful is by making it expensive, thats the laws of economics. You want 4K, its gonna be $700-800. There is no other way, unless you have magic and unicorn tears.
kazeswen's comments