@SupaTrupa: Problem is already started I can't turn back time. Now finishing would be like not finishing a shitty movie after watching 90 minutes of it already.
The thing is, if it started out so shitty I would have stopped a long time ago. But it started out great, but became shittier and shittier each season.
Now I can either not finish it, and be content with wasting 5 years of my life following this crap or finish it. I'd rather finish this crap. Which is I why I want it to end soon, I can't stand anymore of this turd. The only solace is the blond dragon chick, she's the only good thing in the show.
I kinda stopped taking the show seriously when Rob was brought back to life and he's walking around like he never died. Its all so damn soapy, feels like Dynasty episode half the time.
@livedreamplay: Lame as fck. Hodor Hold The Door. Good god, I've seen less retarded plots in Scoobydoo when I was kid.
The writing in Game of Thrones is god aweful, but since people have wasted 5 years of their life following this crap, we have no choice but to keep on following.
Zombie Stark who walks around like he just came from a spa, Salty see chick who gets ousted by her uncle who came outta nowhere like a cheap Soap opera villain, Some old geezer religious fanatic who runs around in rags acting like he owns the place, Crippled kid who's now like 35 teleporting himself back in time, the list goes on and on. The story of game of thrones is just getting more and more retarded each episode.
Its obvious the writer has no idea what to do anymore, and is just squeezing the franchise for every penny its worth. Game of Thrones is like the modern day soap opera, the writing is equally bad, the plots equally rediculous, only difference is they managed to convince more than the housewives to watch it.
I regretted watching the first season, now I'm stuck with this turd.
These auteur shows are only as good as the director involved. Pizzolatto realizes now that he had little to do with the shows success, it was Fukunaga that essentially directed the first season as one giant artfilm.
I knew season two was gonna be garbage when I saw that it had mulitple directors and it started with the director Fast 6 like Justin Ling is gonna be able to direct a deep thought provoking crime drama. If there's no cars blowing up don't hire Justin Ling.
In order for True Detective to work you need to find one arthouse film director to spearhead the entire season.
Kiss this show goodbye, cause its through, Season 2 was so bad no one will ever watch the show again.
The show never had great plot to begin with, it was always Fukunaga's directing that made it work. If you think about it, the first season amounted to nothing more than, the spaghetti face man with the green ears did it, which shows you how bad the original script was by Pizzolatto. It was always the director for True Detective.
@milk: Nobody actually likes the show anymore. We just watch it cause of hot blond chick and because we've wasted a good 5 years of our life following the crap and we just want an ending.
Its become a chore now, like going to work, or washing the dishes.
Since we've wasted 5 years of our precious life following this turd, we have to get an ending. The show was good during season 1, and quickly fell to shit, but we kept watching, so its too late to stop now.
I guess this is the reason house wives watch soaps, when you've invested your life into something you have to see it through good or bad.
kazeswen's comments