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Edited By kazeswen

@tjkraz: Yeah, that's what I mean. All these toys are gonna go to zero real quick.

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That's what happens when you jump on the Amiibo bandwagon without realizing that its just a fad.

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Acting so he can become a cattle rancher. LOL

More like work as cattle rancher to become an actor.

1 out like a zillion actors make any money in Hollywood, and its getting worse.

He'd be on the streets if it wasn't for the steady pay-cheque from the never ending Viking crap.

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Edited By kazeswen

This is the Chief Cooking Officer of EA. LOL I swear who hires these people?

A bunch of 12 year olds on gamespot have unanimously debunked his theory in about 2 secs.

What do you expect from a guy who spends half his life on a Yacht drinking vintage wine and sleeping with hookers. The intellect on these Corporate Execs is simply astounding. Making a prediction that's light years away, might as well say that the PS5 will be an Android who looks like Priss from Bladerunner and can clean your laundry for you.

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Edited By kazeswen

Complete Cloud gaming requires ubiquitous online service for all. Otherwise you lose customers. In other words, you lose entire markets that don't have stable online. i.e China, India, etc, etc, etc.

You must first have the egg before you can have an omelett.

Create an environment for ubiquitous online for all, and then talk about pulling the plug and running everythng via the cloud.

These predictions are way too far from fruition. Its like predicting flying cars, we've made the mistake of predicting that back in Bladerunner and it never happened. Human beings have a tendency of predicting scientific advances far before they are ever even close to fruition.

CCO lol, these BS corporate titles are a joke. Whats next Chief Cafeteria Officer, or Chief Mental Health Officer, Chief Dress Code Officer, Chief Moral and Ethic Officer. LOL These suits and their BS titles make me laugh. We're more likely to see flying cars then a full fledged mainstream cloud based console.

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Edited By kazeswen

@seifross: Have you ever played a single Souls game?

Its universally accepted that Fume Knight, Dragon Aries or Ancient Dragon or whatver the **** his name is, are some of the hardest bosses in the DS series. Fume have two different flowcharts as he enters his second mode mid battle and Dragon Aries with his instant death fire breath that ignore defense.

Have you ever played any Souls game? Seriously.

Also its universally known, that Souls games have no conventional story arc, the story is all made up in your head as you read random notes and clues left behind in buckets and other crap. They got rid of the notes left in buckets in Bloodborne, but its still the same make up your own story nonsense.

Regular games have very distinct plotlines, ala The Witcher, where people talk and tell you whats happening and cutscenes help bridge the scenes. Souls just has a bunch of notes and lore that you read on your own and then figure out what happened on your own. Also they have some artsy fartsy ending scene that tries to be deep and profoind by being open ended.

Memorizing flowcharts = Memorizing the bosses each and every move and order and pattern that the bosses will execute such moves so that you can avoid them without taking damage. Are you slow or something? Thats Souls 101.

You cannot beat Souls in 30hrs unless you already spent time memorizing every single boss and enemy placements. On a single run through you have to learn the various boss patterns, and various enemy locations to make it through without taking damage.

Artificial difficulty = Making enemies do more damage than the player and take more damage than rthe player. The moment you outlevel the enemies in Souls games, the games becomes so easy you can play the whole game without dying once. What part of that is so hard to comprehend?

I'll give you an example. In Bloodborne, I used the bloodstone duplication trick to outlevel my player so that I could take more damage than the enemy and do more damage to the enemy. I was able to finish Bloodborne in 30hrs, and I hardly ever died or even bothered going back to base camp to restock on bullets and what not. Which proves my point, the difficulty in Souils games is artificial its not because the enemies are so much smarter or that the game design is so brilliant, its because the enemies are overleveled, as soon as you overlevel yourself, Souls games become a joke. Because I was overleveled, I didn't have to spend hours memorizing boss patterns, cause I could take the damage if I made a mistake, so I could just learn each boss as I played them and beat them in one try. The entire Soul difficulty is based on overleveled enemies. Thats it.

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@seifross: I finished all the old Onimusha games. Even the one with Jean Reno.

What I mean by artificial difficulty is when the enemies can do more damage than the player. Back in the old days, that was considered bad game design. But ever since Souls games, its been trendy to make the enemies have higher stats than the hero.

All these Soul games are just a rehashes of the old school action RPGs like Onimusha, but the only difference is instead of you killing the enemy in 2 or 3 hits, the enemies can now kill you in 2 or 3 hits, so you have to be extra careful or grind a lot of levels.

As soon as you outlevel the enemies in these type of games, they become just as easy as the old Onimusha games. Basically the moment you can deal more damage than they you can take, the games becomes a cake walk. It's classic artificial difficulty.

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@Jinzo_111887: As we move closer and closer to photorealistic the Gen will not have huge differences. Once you reach photorealism, there is no further improvement graphically speaking. The only improvement is AI, size of world, and amount of characters on screen at once.

So of course Gen 7 and Gen 8 won't be huge. I would say the difference between Gen 7 and Gen 8 is photorealism. Gen 7 still looks like toy figurines, while Gen 8 games like The Witcher 3, The Order, Need for Speed look almost 100% photorealistic. Which could never be achieve in Gen 7.

Take a game like The Order or Need for Speed on PS4, there is virtually no difference from the game to live action movie. This was never possible in Gen 7. As we get closer and closer to pure photorealism, there will be fewer and fewer things to tell the difference from console Gens. But I would say 7 and 8 are still night and day.

As for the $50 for thousands worth of free games, and good server service. I'd rather pay and get free games and long server service than use free online. For me the free games are god send, it allows you to use your system more and allows you to play Indies that you would otherwise never have thought of trying out.

In the end Nintendo made a mistake with Wii U, they should not have used Gen 7 hardware, they figured it out now, and that's why NX is being pushed ahead before the end of Wii U's cycle. Lets just hope that NX will be on par with PS4.5 and XB1.5, this way NX can at least stick around till the end of Gen 8.

Lets face it, NX will also end its life cycle early, since it cannot really compete with Gen 9 consoles. Nintendo will find themselves playing catch up from now on.

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Edited By kazeswen

@Jinzo_111887: Lets see gen 8 vibe, "The Order" on PS4 is the best looking video game in the history of gaming PERIOD. The Order looks like a movie in realtime, no game to this day has come to close the graphics of The Order. So, there's your answer.

AS for console being watered down PC, NO most AAA games nowadays are designed from grounds to run on console not PC. Example Batman Arkham Knight could barely run on a $5000 4K PC, but ran perfectly on PS4 and XB1. So, to your answer your question, most AAA games are mostly designed for PS4 and XB1 from the grounds up, with PC as a supplementary market, no dev actually cares if a game actually works on PC or not anymore, and the fact that it can run at 4K means that only Donald Trump and two of his buddies can play the game at maximum setting, so no that's not the norm.

If you are saying that Wii U sales are horrendous because most people bought into the hype then you are truly delusional. Wii U is the worst selling console in the history of Nintendo as a company. Do you really think the reason is because most people bought into hype? No the reason is Wii U is a last Gen console on par with PS3, trying to pretend to be a current Gen console. I'm sorry but most people are smart enough to see that Wii U is just a PS3 with a tablet controller.

As for paying for online, I used believe that paying for online was a scam just like you. But I realized that paying for online allows for online services to be maintained long after the games are dead in the market. For example, "Fight Night Champion" is more than 5 years old, and still has a healthy online community to this day. This would not be possible if the online service was free, servers would have been shut down long ago, since revenue from game sales have since vanished. Also paying for online service gives you FREE GAMES, every single month, I have a massive PS4/PS Vita game collection that I would have had to spend thousands of dollars to buy but I have them for Free due to the yearly subscription which cost less than $50 dollars a year. So for $50 a year you get $1000s of dollars of Free games, and you get online service for games that have long since died out. I consider that a good thing, not a bad thing. Does the WIi U offer hundreds of free games for $50 a year, NO.

The fact is Wii U is really a last Gen console pretending to be a current Gen console and Nintendo knows this. This is why they are killing Wii U early, so they can release the NX. Nobody wants to play a last Gen console this Gen and pay the same amount of money. That's why Wii U is a failure.

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@Jinzo_111887: It has nothing to do with enhanced graphics, those games were designed to be played that way. The PC versions can play like beefed up 4K versions of the game if you can afford the rig ONLY if you can afford the 4K rig which costs equivalent to all 3 consoles combined, but by default the games were designed from grounds up to run on PS4 and XB1, so explain to me why anyone would wanna pay good money for a watered down version on the Wii U? It's not even the same game when you water it to Wii U level.

If you have money to burn and wanna go an buy a 4K PC rig and play The Witcher 3 in enhanced 4K edition, go ahead, nobody stopping you, but why would anyone wanna play a horrible Wii U version?

Plus, most of these new games were built from scratch to run on PS4 and XB1, like Batman Arkham Knight, which ran like ass on even the most expensive 4K PC.

So it begs to question, why would anyone pay the same price for a poor watered version of an AAA game on Wii U. The answer is no one in there right mind would ever wanna pay the same money for shittier version of a game, they would rather just ditch the Wii U and go and buy a PS4 or XB1, which explains why Wii U is the worst selling console this gen.

Every console has an issue, yes, PS4 has no BC, and XB1 is slower than the PS4 by a little bit, but Nintendo Wii U is not even in the same league, the Wii U is technically on the same league as a PS3 and can only run PS3 level games.

Given the choice, of getting a PS4 with no BC, an XB1 or a Wii U, most people will NOT choose Wii U, the sales numbers speak for themselves.

Why would you buy a next Gen console that performs at the same level as the previous Gen? The Wii U is on par with PS3, that's why it has no third party support. Who wants to port their AAA games to something from last Gen?

There is a reason why The Witcher 3, Mad Max, Batman Arkham Knight, and all the major AAA releases this Gen were never ported to PS3 and XBox360 because nobody wants to port their best games to a last Gen console, this is the same reason why Wii U gets no ports, cause its technically a last Gen console powerwise.

P.S The reason most people don't get 4K PCs is because of $$$$, to get a PC that can run The Witcher 3 at 4K, requires more money than God. Sadly, most people are not Donald Trump.

Graphics are important when people say that they are important, people vote with their wallets and the wallets say graphics are important, because games like The Witcher 3 sell. When Pong starts to sell like The Witcher 3, then graphics are no longer important.