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Edited By kazeswen

All these new so called hardcore games, including Dark Souls, yes I've played them, even beat Fume. Are nothing more than old fighting games with enemies given boosted stats, that's it.

You play any of these games, and you quickly realize that they are nothing more than say Onimusha, but the enemies now have just as much life as you and have equal if not higher attack strength than you.

So, the so called hard action adventure fad is just really the old action adventure games with beefed up enemies.

If the enemies in Dark Souls were given the same stats as the old games like Onimusha, these games would be nothing new. I realized this when I used the infinite soul cheat in Bloodborne, and suddenly I was stronger than everyone, and the game literally felt like any old action game.

The difficulty is just an issue created by enemies having higher stats than you, that's it. So these games become old pretty quick.

Real difficulty is boosting the enemies A.I, not simply allowing enemies to kill you in 2 hits, while making you kill it in 10 hits. This is text book artificial difficulty. All Souls games suffer from this. Once you can kill the enemy in 2 hits and it takes them 10 hits to kill you, all Souls games become a cake walk.

P.S Back in the old days player taking 10 hits to die and the enemy taking 2 hits to die was considered good game design. One day some smart ass Japanese guy decided to change that around, make you die in 2 hits while allowing enemies to take 10 hits, and he's hailed a genius amongst men, and all action games started down this god awful trend and a new term of Hardcore was added to all action games catching this bandwagon. Little do people realize that the games core mechanics are all the same, you are simply stretching an 20hr game into a 120hr grind. That's 100hrs of your life wasted grinding so you can turn your 2 hits into 10 and the enemies 10 into 2. LOL the irony.

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Movie looks horrible. Its not a cartoon, its not a movie. CGI looks fake, but would have worked as a straight up animation, but you mix the real people in there and it looks whacked.

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Edited By kazeswen

@simonbelmont2: I think MS already has one designed and ready to go into production by now. They just wanna see the consumer reaction, if its all out fallout no pun intended, then MS will say hey, look Sony abandoned their core users, but we at MS will never do the same. Introducing XB1 Slim, exact same specs so that all our users have the same experience.

If Sony succeeds, then MS will be like hey, look at our new XB1 Slim Uber Edition, more powerful than before.

Either or, since I already have an PS4, I plan on getting the new NX or XB1 Slim, whichever one gets released first.

The notion of buying the same console twice is ludicrous.

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Edited By kazeswen

Yeah, my boy, Guile. When?

Walking flashkick, yes, took decades for it, and its finally here. The infamous walking flashkick once only capable by cheesy CPU, its now yours.

All we need now is the forward walking sonic boom and we're set.

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Wow, Microsoft is gonna wait and see how this plays out, then make a decision whether to follow suit.

Smart move on MS's part.

Either this works for Sony or it blows up in their face.

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@burasta: Not defending the studios, but back in the old days they used to produce their own content, and 100million budget was considered massive, they also spent a fraction of what they spent now on PA, so films didn't need to do 1billion to make money.

Back in those days 400m that Pacific Rim made would have justified a sequel, but now the Studios in their infinite wisdom has allowed budgets and PA spends to balloon to the moon and back. Where a film needs to do 1 billion to be sustainable.

And whether Pacific Rim was good or bad has no effect on its gross. A film's quality effects little to nothing on its gross, its all timing, controlling budgets, and luck. So, please don't put good or bad with box office, good or bad has nothing to do with anything.

Now. I'm not crying for the studios, just saying that they've boxed themselves into a corner now. Where only tenpole films can make money, and even than it needs to be a massive billion plus earner. This all cuts away at a studios bottomline, and makes them less able to finance and greenlight any of the so called GOOD films that you want them to make.

In the end its a vicious circle, since only tentpoles are profitable by the studio system, they will never stop making rehashes and reboots, because the films that you wanna see is no longer sustainable within the current studio system.

When your print fees cost 5-10 million on a wide global release, that's not even including ad buys, that's just the virtual prints alone, how can you make a good drama and risk your bottomline.

The studios have painted themselves into a corner.

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Edited By kazeswen

@burasta: If you read my original post already accounted for the 50 percent split on gross. Even with it they net 310, which would make the film extremely profitable if they didn't spend 250 in outsourcing this piece of garbage and another 50 on Prints and Ads.

Problem is Studios no longer make their own movies, they operate as one giant, hedge fund, they just fund and distribute, and outsource production to smaller company, which then inflate the budget so they can make a killing before the film hits the market. And then the studios outsource their ad campaigns to large advertising firms who then inflate the ad spend so they can make a killing. And then the theatres charge about 1200 bucks per screen in print fees and logistics to boost their bottom line and in the end, you are left with a film that makes 720million and the studio barely breaks even.

It's all a racket, and the studios are paying through the nose for it. They really should be spending no more than 80 million producing these films in house, and no more than 20 million in prints and ads on any release, but the way the racket is currently set up its all designed to make people money before the film actually hits the market.

That's why the Hollywood system is not sustainable in the long run.

A film like BvS, makes the outsourcing production, advertising companies rich, and the theatres cash in, but the studio making the film who takes the risk, is not making much,

That's why the studio couldn't greenlight Pacific Rim 2, 'cause the film didn't make money, even though it grossed over 400 million. Only in Hollywood can a film gross 400 and still be in the red. You know your whole system is broken when you can't make money off a 400 million box office haul. They need to break everything down and build it from scratch, or the studios won't survive.

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@Raphy_Turtle: I and the rest of humanity can always tell when CGI is CGI, I've never been fooled ever. I the difference between shooting on location and adding a building or two in CGI is a million miles away from what Snyder does which is to replace the entire city with a green screen. Fast movies will always use CGI to enhance a scene, but they will never build a scene from scratch with CGI. Snyder is really the only director who uses CGI for everything, it was cool when he did it for 300, but its now getting very lame.

Also Lord of the Rings is supposed to be fantasy, Batman is supposed to exist within real world context. After all Batman is human and lives in a city with other humans, so to use CGI world for Batman makes no sense.

Also I love how people say that CGI can be spotless, the truth is CGI can always be spotted easily, just like the old background paintings of the old Vista Color era. As an audience we choose to ignore it, but trust me CGI can always be spotted easily, Chinese Company or no Chinese Company. CGI is still in its infancy, and cannot replicate reality.

Bottom line Snyder needs to stop ruining movies with his CGI world nonsense, its getting old. Just be like Nolan and shoot normal movies.

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Edited By kazeswen

@Byshop: I'm sure the studios would have given their left nut for Nolan to come back, but Nolan is no longer doing comic book films he's in Oscar mode now. So, you get what you get. Which is sad, 'cause Snyder doesn't work for these movies. He can only do movies that exist in pure fantasy lalaland, he cannot set aside his weird pure CGI universe, which is sad 'cause it's holding Snyder back from making some good films. Rare case where what made him famous is whats keeping him back. I think that Snyder doesn't realize that nobody really wants to see his pure CGI films anymore, they just wanna see him direct a normal movie, with normal locations, and normal actors, without the CGI nonsense. He still seems to think that his style is cool, and its not anymore.