No Netflix really helped kill any of chance of this being a media hub, and once you removed the cheap media hub aspect of the device, it became useless, since its neither a PS4 nor a Vita.
Cheap media hub with game potentials was how this should have been marketed as, not a half video game console with no media capabilities. Big mistake for Sony, considering how Netflix is launching in Japan soon, and most Japanese people still have old TVs with no media support, they really could have sold this to the Japanese as an entry point to a media hub.
I would have bought these for my parents for Christmas if only it had Netflix support. Shame Sony was too cheap to license any real media apps.
@Yomigaeru: Yeah, but the old 16bit games the major ones were treated like AAA games of today by the devs back then. They weren't made as throw away IOS games to be sold for 5 dollars a pop. Which means more man hours, more resources were put into making them. The difference is a huge dev team and more time spent on the creatives, over a small dev team and less time spent, so the end product is that modern day 16bit games are usually not as good as the original that they are imitating, even though technology has advanced, the man power and man hours just isn't there for something meant to be sold for 5 bucks, vs 50 bucks.
That's why most real 16bit games are a lot deeper both in story and gameplay than what's available today. So, I still prefer the originals.
@Barighm: True, but I actually grew up in the 8 and 16bit era and have played most of the big name games, back then, but even I find hundreds of new 16bit games that were either never released internationally or I just could never afford back then.
For me there is a huge back catalogue of great 16bit games that would take me a lifetime to finish, so there is no need to play new ones. Especially how some of the old 16bit games were better developed, since they were treated as AAA titles back then and had more time and resources in comparison put into the design.
Todays 16bit games are developed as third rate, with a small crackpot team of no more than a dozen people tops. Back in the days a major 16bit release was a company's bread and butter and they put effort into making them.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: ladies play 16bit sidescrollers, thought they only played Diner Dash. lol.
I think most of these 16bit games are for nerds that were fans of the original 16bit era, most girls have no idea what 16bit or 8bit even mean, and would probably be put off by the horrid graphics.
It should be pretty easy for these nerds to put together a big rom catalogue of classics.
Can't wait to elbow some tigers in the face. That was my biggest gripe with Shenmue 2, ran all the way to China, and walked for 12 hours in the forest with Shenhua and never got to elbow a single tiger in the face, not even one. Imagine my disappointed when the credits rolled. Such a waste of a great elbow thrust.
Don't understand the whole modern day 16bit game thing. If you're really into 16bit games, there are thousands and thousands of SNES/GENESIS 16bit games that are available in rom form that can be played for free on any emulator.
Why bother playing these modern day 16bit games, when the thousands of originals are light years better than any of these new games. It's like "Shovel Knight", you can throw a penny at almost any original 16bit sidescroller and they were better.
If people really wanna playful 16bit games, there is vast almost limitless catalogue of great SNES and Genesis classics that are just waiting for you. Including many that were never localized and have since been translated by fans, all for your enjoyment.
@Keitha313: Cage fighting makes for sht games, when they gonna realize it. There is no possible way to make submission fighting interesting on a game controller.
Push the direction in an octagon. Pssst, it's a fighting game not Tic Tac To.
@drumjod: There is great censorship for great ideals, and frivolous censorship for vanity and artificial righteousness.
Of the two America belongs in the later, rather than the former, which makes it infinitely worse.
- I visited L.A sometime ago and was told that I could not smoke on the open streets in some parts of town. I laughed then cried at the sad state of America
- Then recently I had a post of mine deleted on a prominent American gaming website, that I shall not name. For referring to my Japanese PSN account as a J-A-P PSN Account. Because apparently the abbreviation J.A.P PSN cannot be used in the land of free. So a white man told me, an Asian man. that I cannot call my J.A.P PSN account that because it is politically incorrect I must refer it as an Japanese PSN account. Then threatened wrath upon me if I did not comply. I kid you not, this actually happened.
The list goes on and on and on. I thank my luck stars that I am not American every single day of my life. And to think it used to be the land of the free.
This quote best states the current hypocrisy that has become a once great nation. America has forgotten itself.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Ben Franklin
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