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what nintendo needs to do

so nintendo has out it's new system, what they need is a game that reinvents one of their beloved franchises, remember how mario64, zelda orcana of time, and metriod prime, all took fantastic rich and familiar game worlds and reinvented them in a fun deep, and familiar way, well with this new control system it is time for nintendo to do it agian.  i remember how mario64 made the 64 the must have system, i remember how metriod did the same for the cube, and now nintendo owes it to us and themselves to do it agian, but what franchise can the recreate in a new light with simple fun and deep gameplay, remember smash, that game was so fantastic because it combined simplicity and deepth seemlessly any one could play, but it took forever to master.  nintendo has some of the greatest minds, why don't the pick up the classic Shenmue franchise, that could do it.  or a new donkey Kong game, or kirby, why not a Fzero game, they have so many franchises, how about a new earthbound.  i think nintendo i piosed to do great things, and i think the wii gamble will pay off.  i hope a shenmue game comes out, i hope sega pulls their act together they used to be such a power house.  capcom is currently the bravest dev, what with killer 7. 

THE ps3

after the reviews of many ps3 games i'm already frustrated, it seems that sony has no standards for many of the games to grace its hardware, i know it's not their fault.  but darn it, why can't they ban horrible game like crossfire, wiat i know, because japanese consumers are the only consumers stupider and trendier than american consumers, just look at how well that game sold in japan, and it is a horrible game by any standards, it has gameplay that wasn't fun when it was invented a decade ago, it has graphics from the ps1, and a framrate of a slideshow.  and yet gundum fans praze it, i'll be d@#Med if that is what the gundam universe is supposed to be like.  if microsoft made a bad mech game i wouldn't get it even though i'm a MEch warrior fan, just cuz you like a frachise doesn't mean you owe it to that franchise to get any crap they shovel, no it means you should demand a just representation of your beloved material.  and yet the ps3 ushers in wave after wave of crap like it did last gen.  thanks. 

The wii

i'm typing from ignorance, seeing as i haven't actually played a Wii, but from what i've read there is alot to be angry about, as well as alot to look forward to.  for example the fact that the wii won't have online capability from day one is just plian unexceptable.  so many games that were going the right direction just feel unfinished and shipped to meet launch day is also horrible, i'd rather wiat another six months for finished games, red steel could have been fatastic, but is simply a beta version of a game that was pieced together to ship.  call of duty 3 should never have shipped without multiplayer.  and i can't believe that legend of zelda is still all text.  these things are obvious short comings especially on behalf of the devs.  the fact that twilight princess is basically a gamecube port with wii mote functionality is also a let down.  the actual visual appeal of launch games is also unpolished.  many wii games don't compare to the xbox of the last gen.  and yet when the wii mote concept is working, most noticibly in the mini games, it is fanatastic and addictive.  i could see myself being as immersed in this system as i was with the 64 and 3D back in the day.  i really hope that mario and metriod are hits and i can't wiat for smash brawl.  the fact that the hardware is out and the gloves are off is promising. i'll get the Wii no doubt probably for christmas, if no before.  unlike the ps3 witch tries nothing new and fials at it's launch atleast the controls of COD3 and LOZTP show promise.  the ps3 launch says, hey i'm pretty, wiat another year for good games, until then enjoy fall of man.  i really want to play some wii.  the thing i can't wiat for now is the next nintendo system, the one that combines visuals and revolutionary controls and classic franchises to make my day.  actually if nintendo got into the habbit of releasing a new system every two years that was backwards compatable and more of a powerhouse, i could buy into that for 250.  kinda like how i got into their handheld market.

GOW i own it

ok so i finaly got and played the game, i bought it thursday morning, and binge played it, beating it at 3 in the morning that very night, the following day my brother and i played through it agian on hardcore, ala coop.  then the next day i played through 2/3 of the game on insane before my bad highgene cought up to me.  so i must say though the single player is the more polished and finished portion of the game, the Co-Op and the System link is where i see my self after i finish insane Co-Op.  i really like the inclusion of a well(though not perfect) executed Co-op.  the last one i played was splinter cell, and i just never felt it.  but this game is great, even the split screen is perfect.  i'm so happy that this game didn't abandon split screen, some players like my self still love getting some boys together and system linking it up in a dorm our house around campus.  and with each system supporting two players(themax per system) you only need four systems to reach the 8 player cap.  the games single player is basically a amazing rip off of resident evil 4, from a berserker boss battle(kinda like the clawed berserker types in RE4) to the cinematic over the shoulder view, and aiming mechanics, to the story telling and presentation.  this game is beautiful. i mean it is perfect.  in 30 hours of gameplay i found four total/minor glitches, one was a low res texture taht didn't popin when i approached it,(when the same area was replayed this didn't happen agian) the other was a Gib that got stuck in thin air.  the most major one was when in the very begining of the game i got in the way of a scripted NPC animation that froze the game, and the final was during the last berserker battle, when my brother detatched the end car, i was on it and i died but itsaved and then i was a ghost under the map and couldn't do anything then my bro died and i couldn't res him and we were stuck.  in the case of both of the more major glitches a simple load last check piont fixed the problems.  ok.  this game is amazing, everyone out there that ever liked games needs to buy this game now. and a 360 if they don't have one.  it's that good.  i dream about it.  it's not just another halo(good for a console game but not that amazing other wise) kinda game.  this game is truely amazing by anyones standards.  the blood, the combat, the blood, the chiansaw, and more blood, the gameplay, the story telling(the story isn't deep, but the presentation is fantastic)  i'll right a review as soon as i clock some more time with the multiplayer.  i can't take it online because the ground floor of my house has no either net and i'm not coughin up the absurd 100 dollars they want from me for the wireless card.  microsoft why ya pullin a sony and ripin us with periferals.  i love this game it's too good, i played for over 30 hours in one weekend, that should make me sick, but the act of jumping screaming and breaking into a sweat as i played the awsome battles made me feel exausted at the end of the weekend.  the achievements are great i've got alot.  ttyl.

what is with people and the european theatre of world war two

i'm sorry i've been playin some call of duty and i just saw flags of our fathers and started wondering why in gods name hasn't anyone made a good pacific theatre game, heck they haven't even made any good WW2 games that don't involve nazis, what about italy you may ask, according to pc devs we never went to war agianst italy or japan.  it's not that we are tired of WWII games it's that we are tired of the same darn WWII games over and over, only Call of duty and company of heroes actually do this theater of war any justice.  heck how about a good cold war game, operation flash piont was a awsome idea, how about someone take it and make a good next gen game, or heck vietnam hasn't had a good game either.  i think with the crysis engine supporting foliage like it is we should see some brave moves from these devs.  and what about the mech franchise, we haven't seen a good mech game in far to long.  with current tech they could make a more than compitent mech warrior game.  destructable enviroments, and the like.  common.  i want to see the revival of some dead franchises and some original creative ideas.

ok i deserve this

ok i read the gamespot review, but i ignored it since i loved the demo so passionately.  i ran out and got dark messiah, and i got the limited edition.  wow, this game needs a patch, i feel like i'm playing battlefield 1942 on launch all over agian, dark messiah is probably the glitchiest game i've played this year.  so much so that 9 out of ten times it crashes when i'm launching it.  yeah i think it needs a patch.

screw ports this bad.

uh i bought DMC 3 and found that it needed a controler, so i shoveled out 45 bucks for the 360 pc controller, and guess what the game doesn't work with it.  i love that game, but i'm giveing up. F@#k you capcom.

for a game that focuses on infantry

for a game that focuses on infantry the bf2142 infantry combat is still so unpolished, they spend so much time on great weapons yet give very loose aiming and even sloppier movement that really makes this action game feel like a bad tom clancy game.  common, why can't they continue to refine it so that this game is as wonderfully reactive as say call of duty or cs source.  i'm greatly saddened that i must wiat and hope for another battle field game that will now be getting made exclusively by EA, so good things aren't expected, just look at NFS, and C&C those titles haven't been the same since EA started ruining them.

gotta love ninjas.

this summer i became a avid adict of a certian genre i haven't loved in a long time, action/platformer, ala, ninga gianden black, i played it on a 360, and i loved nearly every minute of it.  the game sports probably the best free form fighting system ever, with great camera control and fighting, not to mention simple but fun platforming this is a wonderful game, the game it's self doesn't break down to perfectly timed button presses, an example is that you character isn't able to role of the edge, so to get a perfect jump you role right before the edge, so that you role to the limit and the hit jump and you make a perfect maximum distance jump, without any anoying gess work.  ontop of that your character takes no fall damage, so you don't fear the often puzzle bound jumping parts, there was one great one in particular, that if it was done pop style would have been horrible.  the different weapons were perfect, the weapon upgrading is perfect, the gameworld is perfect.  the only problem with this game is it has a total of two horrible boss battles, the rest of the bosses are good-fantastic fights, but the two hard ones are a mid game boss that is basic luck to defeat, and a endgame boss, who is basically invincable if you have no healing potions.  witch i don't, oops, and without a real check piont system i over wrought my earlier game so i'd have to go back quite a ways to get health potions, and even then it would be near impossible to not use them.  so any ways the end boss is a bunch of cheap moves.  ala the phsycic girl in DOA4.  but any ways i just got DMC 3 for pc, and though it looks like a PS2 game, and the keyboard controls are crap, the game is fantastic arcady action and i now feel compeled to get a controler, and maybe demon siege while i'm at it.

the rts genre moves so slow

i was reading a out of the box review of sorts on gamespy for dark crusaed and found their assertion that time has passed the game by and it is old new pure nonsense.  i still play star craft it has a certian charm that only it has.  and i'll still play dawn of war.  the rts genre has far to few great games, heck its tied for my favorite genre and yet i have thre times as many fps games.  just look at the rts genre.  the si home world star craft total annihilation, warcraft two, home world two, warcraft 3, rise of nations dawn of war, and company of heroes.  for like a decad of play that isn't alot of games.  shooter have, to name a few.  doom2, quake, quake 2, halflife, mech warrior two.  doom3, fear, halflife 2, episode one, chronicles of riddick, ut, ut 2004, battlefield2, farcry, callof duty one and two, rianbow six one-three, oblivion(kinda a rpg two).  and that is just scratching the surface.