Allow me to preview the review of metriod i will be putting out in a month or so, it goes like this. metriod is hands down the best single player FPS game of the last generation, and stands as a great reason every gamer should have had a gamecube. that being siad i had problems with the game, some would argue these as strengths, i found about 10-20 percent of the enemies to be annoying un fun or just stupid, enemies like the exploding flower things, the wasps, and other such boring repetetive un fun types, why do i hate those, because they add nothing they only slow or frustrate the player, and with the fact that every time you leave the room they respawn and you get to face them allover agian. this leads into the frustration i had with the enemies respawning, it slows down your puzzle solving, maybe some dynamic respawns could have worked, but identicle respawns are just boring and in many cases you start to simply run past many enemies because they can't follow you this brings out another anoying problem enemies can't follow you often they won't even pursue you within a single room, the wasps and pirates as an exception most other enemies, i'd say 80 percent don't follow you. all these things add up to bring down the presentation and the fluid seemless feeling the game has. on another note i also was frustrated by the back and forth style of the game, you will often have to retred over the same patch of earth 10-20 times in the game, if not more, especially when you don't know what to do the open ended nature of the game forces you to wander aimlessly dealling with all the respawning enemies who slow your thought process down. ok if you have a play guid or walk through you won't find many of my compliates warented but i never played with a walk through and that makes this games greatest strength it's greatest flaw, often it tells you wear to go but you will have no idea how to get there. WTF right, exactly. but if you play the game. i'll be honest i found Sonic the Hedge hog to be abnormally difficult but that didn't keep me from lovin him and his genesis games. if you play the game you slowly and subtilly become hooked, don't get frustrated if it is to hard try a walkthrough. this games presentation is hands down the best of any game last gen, from the rian drops forming on your visor in rian to the fog/condensation when you walk by a water fall, or the frost of a cold area. when you put on the xray visor you can see samus's hand manipulating switches and triggers in her cannon. the way puzzles play out, the perfect FPS platforming. i haven't felt that into a game world since HAlf life one. this games controls are unique but work fine, more than fine. the different weapons are simply fantastic, this game also manages to make all the weapons not only unique but amazing. the 3rd person ball mode is perfect and the camera is the best 3rd person camera i've ever seen. this game shows such great polish, there are aspects of it that make it feel dated, the respawning enemies and such that i listed above but every other moment of the game was ahead of it's time. that being siad the build your character up from scratch style of gameplay that worked should never be used agian or else it will feel really forced and stupid. but i already know they did it in metriod two, alright corruption better not do that. i would really like a more newb friendly game next time, one where i can more easily find my way around. thanks guys, also use stronger more contrasting lighting because i found that on a some tv's this game made me get a head ache from squinting to see stuff in the shadows.
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