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i look at games like joint ops, and i ask myself,

why can't they take the time to finish a game before they release it. what's wrong with these people. but on a different note, pacific fighters looks to be particularly fantastics. i played the IL-2 demo and found it entertaining though my computer didn't handle it very well. i think that those are some fantastic looking games, with wonderfull graphics and gameplay. the multi player is supposed to be especially entertaining. but have you guys seen the new battlefield video, it makes the game that much harder to wait for, why oh why am i always waiting for the next best thing, it's torture, look at the physics, and the lighting, the wonderful cockpit views that all the new vehicles offer, wow this game looks to good to be true, just like halflife2. why must i wait. my new computer will be here this weekend, i'll have to satisfy myself with doom3, and farcry, and pandora tommorrow, and bf vietnam. oh the agony. imagine, this game will be ten times that of joint ops. oh the possibilities.

rome vs. rise

rise of nations, to me is one of the great realtime strategy games of our times, it came in a time when graphics meant everything, and wielding nothing more than a 2d world this game was awarded realtime strategy game of the year by pc gamer, the authority on gameing. it has so much and is raped in a timless gaphics engine that should last years despite its aparent age the gameplay is so overwhelmingly good that i can see myslef playing this one far into the future, the best part is the muliplayer, and great skirmish mode, but the single player champaign is robust to and deserves mentioning. i really loved this game, this game took the empire earth format and tweaked it to perfection the massive, battle taht this game offered are easily comparible to that of rome total war, there are many key thing such as flanking and making good use of your longranged units. but rome had a moral effect that was implemented in a less than reasonable fasion, basically limiting how tactical you can be because your guys can become really scared and run away instead of fighting. this is potentially great feature that was magnificently executed in warhammer dawn of war. but here in rome the morale combined with the goofy unit AI and lack of foramtion controls really leave the experience lacking. i'm probably being judgemental because i haven't played the ful game yet but the grasp i had on the raeltime portion of the demo left a sweet and sour taste in my mouth. at moment the battles can be crazy, but then the AI will lose it , and when you are winning, i repeat winning as in you totaly crushed their army killed their general, you elephant will run of the map and take alot of your infantry with them? very frustrateing, another frustrateing thing is you'll tell your cavalry to charge and they'll trot up to the enemy, and i'm left asking myself, didn't i click the run button on the interface, oh yeah i did, but they didn't feel like running so they turned it off. what's with that. that happens like every time i play some cavalry units decide to walk and nothing i can do will change their mind. but the over all look and feel of the game is so intense that having these little quirks happen puts the bad taste in my mouth. rise had no such problems with its demo, or ful game it was perfect in my mind. all the way down to the nuclear explosions and that cool filter that activates. i'll probably buy total war, but i'm really awaiting battle for middle earth wich looks like a nerds dream come true. not that i'm a nerd, i can't programm.


ok so the thing is i'm a big paintball buff, that doesn't mean i'm good, that just means i love the sport, despite how it drains me of money. anyway, someone should make a great game of it, look at the success of such modifications as quake and halflife paintball. there is alot of money to be made if someone could just capture the essence of how great, frenzied, and tactical this sport can be, bringing every angle, from woods ball, to speed ball, to hyperball to the table. we'd need name brand guns awsome physics, a counterstrike style purchase system to reward the better player with better materials and encourgae the newbs to lower their profiles and increase their ko's. the action could be so intense, and fast paced like unreal tournament, but tactical like rainbow six, or ghost recon at other times. paintball offers so much that airsoft and other supplements can't offer, capture that and make a grand game out of it. to make the game as awsome as it is on the field you'd need great audio otherwise it would just be another shooter, you need to feel like your on the field ball splatering on your bunker as you enemy attempt to supres you with the hope of advanceing to the next bunker, or make a mad dash for the snake. there is so much to be said and catured abou the world of paintballing it's one of the awsomest sports, and you don't have to play to love the gameplay elements that would be able to be captured in the game. just think if they actually had a sprint buten that would allow you to hall actual @$$ barely any games have a sprint speed worth notecing. a awsome slide feture would make running worth it to slide into cover, while snapping off a few crazy shots trying to lane some people right off the break, god the possibilities are so endless that my mind would explode if i thought of them all. i'm blown away that no one has ever tried this it's so simple, you find some nerds who love competetive ball and hook them up with a great developement team and wala a great an memorable experience, there could be online tournaments and clans all over the place, made up of paintball teams that want to hone their skills on and off the field. and kick but unreal syle single player eperience as you lead your team through the different tourneys, finally makeing it to the nationals. wow. you'd have to do a job on the AI though to make the whole thing believeable. if there was some one who looks like the have the truel to life AI down its the guys makeing brothers in arms, they have different ai setings between newbs and hard core noncoms who've seen it all. or valve, but they have vivendi all over them right now so i'd wait and see. but to any one who loves games and has played a good deal of paintball, the blaring question is how can this level of awsomeness never been captured before. how? and the best thing, no contraversy atached.


rome total wars demo is quite impressive, magnificent graphics and fundementaly great mechanics make the fights extremely intense, but morality factor that i experienced is a little too sensetive, leaveing no room for error, for example i sent my elephants charging in to the masses to lead the frontal attack, they did so but then they turned tail and ran strait off of the map, what was up with that. total nonsense, i selected them, but they wouldn't let me issue any comands. sillyness, basicly controling your minions is impossible when they are outnumbered they assume the are screwed and run for it making tactical supiriority purely determined by numbers, though the battle could be intense they were just as frustrateing, because you couldn't rely on your units to do anything you said. the great potential is there but for me to become a believer i'd have to play the real game.

halo two

Ok i don't own a xbox but i have played this game religiously, and in my opinion it is the best fps since goldeneye, perfect dark for any console. from the fantastic singleplayer to the ground breaking multiplayer, to the memorable halo parties, this game has changed what's expect of console titles. and i expect halo2 to continue the trend for the console. the question is, will the port of the second title actually be success full. halo was proted to the pc, and didn't have nearly the impact nor the feel. the game (in my opinion) actually looked worse on the pc than it did on xbox. i'm sorry but the graphics it had on the console did com close to compareing to the unreal tech engine, so why was it such a tax on every ones machines. i only hope that halo two can deliver for those of us who await its far off but iminent release on the pc. until then i'll play a much better port that sorrs on the pc instead of on the console, grand theft auto 3.

half-life 2

ok i'll tell ya i've been playing some halflife 1, and it's a great game, my problem, with it is its only a different take on the formula that quake 2 put down. now that being said, this game has fantastic atention to detail, and wonderful AI, these elements are seamlessly weaved together to achieve a fantastic level of story telling. the game is great, simpl put. now i have had problem with glitches like certain scripted events not happening, and haveing to start the game from scratch because i didn't have a emergency savepoint in the earlier part of the game, but technical issues asside, the game is something to strive for, the AI allone makes this game a technical benchmark. these guys are so tough they flank they sneak takeing on two or three at a time in a large room can sometimes seem impossible, they use cat a mouse tactics takeing pot shots at you to draw your atention while simotaneously i'm getting flanked. the AI is so freaking great, its like playing other players, sometimes they'll charge when the opertunity arrises, sometimes they'll hide, yes it wasn't a scripting error this one guy shot at me then he hid behind a box, i waited, looked around then ran at his last know position, got there, could find him, then out of the shadow he can and distroyed me. the only problem with such good AI is you end up dieing alot. and there isn't that much sripting involved with the AI so there is no trial and error way to play, as with some games, like ghost recon. this game is truely challengeing. alot of people won't like halflife because of the adventure/problem solveing aspect of the game, one has to figure things out for themselves, and talk to the ocassional npc. at first i didn't like this because it made the game take alot longer, and i often didn't know what to do. but once you learn how to think this style of objective free play really lends to keeping you in the experience, you are not playing, but experienceing, this concept is also completly revolutionary. the funny thing is that these great aspects of this game have never been properly duplicated or copied, that is until now. with half-life 2 impending i'm getting really pissed, really pissed with vivendi first, and really angry that teamfortress two, and day of defeat source are't being released with the collectors edition halflife2. they only way to get day of defeat source, is to buy halflife 2 through steam, something that really makes me angry. why is valve being so stupid. i want a hard copy of day of defeat, and i want it now. gosh that stupidness asside. halflife2 looks amazing, better in many ways than doom3, and in someways not nearly as good. i beleive the amazeing atention to detail regarding the charecters is far superior than doom, they look not just graphicly superb, but real. in regards to the enviroments, they look wonderful, but they also in places look like they have a low poly count, like how some stuff has really crisp edges, that are unrealisticly sharp looking, without any natural wear and tear present, and this sticks out in a urban waist land. the art design for this project looks first rate, the stroy line that i have pieced together in my head is rather spectacular and sound like it deserves the title of halflife2. animation looks first rate, and last but not least physics looks to be so awsome, with totaly distructable enviroments in place this game should be as open ended as farcry but ten times better. sorry farcry, i love you i do, but my love for you is like that of my bastard child compared to my love of what i imagine as halflife2, now all the guys at valve have to do is deliver on their promises and i'll be blown away, if they suprise me, then this game will be the best thing to happen to gameing since, pong or doom 1.


as any gamer i do often return to the classics, this week i've been playing the original halflife, and quake2. after not playing them for so long i forgot what it was that made them so wonderful. in the relm of halflife it was the stroy telling and the atmoshper that the game created, for quake it was the technology, and the fast and furious gameplay mixed with good level design. these fundemental games have been the platfrom for all future fps games, though the weren't doom, they were in escense the next evolutionary step towards the great games we play today, and today we have another evolutionary step in terms of first person entertainment, within a year we will have tribes vengence, farcry, doom3, halflife2, battlefield2, and brothers in arms. each game is redefineing different aspects of teh industry, and will be as memorable as the first medal of honor game, half life, or Quake 2. this is a grand age of gameing, we are on the dorstep of the next generation of gameing, in my opinion all that can really improve following these titles, is the graphics, and technology, there will no longer be original game concepts that haven't been used.

rome vs. well all the upcoming rts games

rome total war seems to be the stuff these days after checking out the reader review section i discoered that this has to have the best reader reviews of any game ever. not one score below 9. wow, even halflife had critics. this game must really rock, good thing i'll finaly have a rig that can handle it. is there anything that can knock this game from it's throne in the near future, well the only thing that comes to mind is battle for middle earth, with interactive enviroments and awsome animations and not quite as repetetive unit models and animations, the gameplay footage i've seen so far really gives the impression of a liveing greathing world with massive trolls and all the extra trimmings this game looks to be the all out best fantasy game every, beating out warcraft three, note:blizzard needs to focus its efforts on a new rts game. it isn't going anywere with wow, common. something i didn't get a good feel for is the mutliplayer component of this massive game, how does base building work, well for now i enjoy rise of nations till later peace out and go rts games