kaziechameleon Blog
did you guys hear
by kaziechameleon on Comments
full spectrum warrior
by kaziechameleon on Comments
my computer
by kaziechameleon on Comments
My new computer will be arriveing soon, in about two weeks. I built it with my former gymnastics coach, who is a computer components retailer. the whole thing cost me a total of 1,200 dollars. it's sporting a 3.06 hyper threaded processor with 800mhz fsb, 1gig of DDR daul channel 3200 400 mhz ram. A nice GeForce 6800 gt oc, yeah that's right it's over clocked. packing a total of 256mb of DDR3 ram for nice renderingof my games. the system will have two 120 gig hard drives, and a nice daul layer dvd burner. a magnificent Asus mother baord to hold it all together with built in fire wire. I love this thing i can't wait to use it. it is aslo comming witha free version of doom3 to test out this awsome rig(came with the graphics card $400, nice deal). i can't wait to witness the outdoor experience of farcry, the cordor terror of doom3, and the experience that will be halflife2. the graphics will be pumped to the limits of what my machine can handle. total war wouldn't be the same. i can't wait. oh the humanity
ok so what's with that
by kaziechameleon on Comments
ok i just read the call of duty united offense review and they were saying how great or amazing the game was and they only noted one flaw in the game. then they scored the game a 8.9? wait but you said it was a great expansion pack wholy worthy of the call of duty franchise. then why the low score. if its a great expansion pack then give it atleas a 9.0. not alot of great expansion packs come our ways these days. i was thoroughly dissapionted in that score. if the game kicks ass score it high. don't put it in the same scoreing range as games like joint operations (which sucked horribly ) god. well i'm really looking forward to this game. the expansion pack adds onto the magnificent singleplayer experience, and it totally over hauls the multi player. sounds great, ney amazing, well it's only equal to joint ops. ok moving on, you know what one of my favorite games is, the battle field franchise. well i love those games but i'll be quick to point out what i consider to be the flaws in it's game design. first the vehicles there are never enough of them, and this would be fine if being a foot soldier was fun in this game, but i'm sorry the pacing of the foot soldier feels way to slow, especially without a sprinting option. the guns are horribly under powered, and the sounds for the guns is often pathetic in comparison to every thing else that is going on, though the sounds are good, nothing seems in praportion, the audio engine isn't very affective the tanks aren't noisy enough their noisy as hell engine seem muted in this game. the experience of battle field should be heart pounding audio to draw you into the game, but that isn't the case. i'm hopeing that the new call of duty multi player will make me happy. i want a new operation flashpiont, without all the freaking problems, but the great feeling of scale, and amazing pacing of the battle, as you sprint for cover while you hear the ever increaseing rumble of armor. another thing, the tanks, though they have treads they can't drive over sandbag bunkers, what's with that? instead a tank can be mear feet away and your safely lying pron behind a bunker. if they were gonna limit the number of vehicles in a game they need to give them more of a punch. the explosin animations are very strongly lacking in this game the feeling of the bombers doing bombing runs is kinda intense and feels cool, but you know it could be way more awsome. i'm sad when i see a tank fire right next to some one and i see that the guy didn't take any shrapnel damage, and the explosion pusses him away harmlessly. i have so many pet peaves about how battlefield could be better, bf vietnam was a great step in the right direction. by first problem is is hate the weapons physics in this version though, they are a joke, take the m60 for example its just as accurate as a m16 but hold 100 rounds, kinda takes away the fun of having a accurate m16 doesn't it, the skin for the m79 is horrible, the coloring, the patern, the thing really looks like crap in my opinion, otherwise the guns in this game are beautiful with great animations, the physics for them are just so bad, and unbalanced. something that has never been good in any of the games is vehicle damage, its potrayed farely unrealisticly. it's not like parts of the vehicles can be broken or knocked off when hit with a rpg, this is very disssapionting, especially knowing it able to be GTA3 is the best example. the smoking tank isn't very convincing as far as vehicle damage goes. I like that machine guns can hit air planes in the engine to cause some nice damage. the rest of the damage is fine, like how machine gun fire is waisted on tanks. really there is pleanty of room for improvement. this improvement i speak of is bound to take place in the next installment, battlefield two. from the looks of the movies this game is shapeing up with greatness in mind. the most fantastic thing i think is the destructable enviroments, they also seem to have uped the refinement on the weapons adding airon sight ability, there would also seem to either be a quiker pace to the character movement, or there is a sprinting ability, teh vehicles look so much cooler, the jet planes look fantastic as do the helicopters. i'm very eager, the game also supports 100 players, this means that the game should run like butter with 80 people on the server. that is a fantastic feet. forget joint operations witch is laggy no matter what. this new game looks to fix many of the problems of the previous games, the explosions look fantastic with stuff blowing apart debre flinging into the air. theis game could go all the way as far as massive battles go. i hope that they release a full fledged battle field mod that allow you to experience the glory of this game in the WW2 era imagine DDay with stuff blowing apart all around you that would be a sight to be hold, actually haveing 40-60 people sieging the shoreline simotaneously. i hope that they add a latter so that better players can lead, or better yet that each team can have a commander position, that person would have a birdeye view of the battle field issueing orders navigating a fire team for a good flank. nothing quite like a good fire and maneuver flank. feels great.counter strike source sounds like a thing of the past.
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