who's to blame, a 9600 card could play any game out there maybe not at max settings, but not every 360 is running ins hd either, a 9600 card floats around 100-150 dollars us(exchange rates not withstanding), and a sli setup would beat out a 8800 gt or gtx for sure. plus the lower operating temps of the 9600 allow for very stable over clocking. every three years the pc makes a super leap in graphics and every three years people say the platform is dead, traditionally the pc is the native platform for the most broke and enthusiast gamers like all those kids that wanted to make games when they grew up they played pc games, and moded them and what not. i guess you could say that the simples stayed with the consoles. i don't think i ever owned a pc for over 800(counting monitor and periferals, that's less than your average HD TV) dollars till i got into college and school demanded it this last year, i've been playing on budget pc's my whole life and they really get it done, problem is now that most computer assembly jockies like dell and sony don't like to put gpu's in there system even though a simple 60-150 card is good for two years. oh and every pc is backwards compatible, I'm looking at you sony, and microsoft, and nintendo. i laugh everyone says hey get a ps3 it's 500 dollars about the price of a budget pc, and plays games with great high fidelity graphics, well that is if you have a 1200 dollar 1920X1080 tv, oh wait i can get 1080 i and 720p graphics on a 400 dollar computer with a 100 dollar monitor. or wait you could also downgrade to stardard definition with a sd cable and use a real tv tube style and not get any jaggies, pc games of four years ago look like halo 3 in standard definition, i tried it. people say alot of games don't run well on pc's cause they by 300 dollar pc's and try to pump 1080p graphics out of them, well they just can't like a 360 just can't don't hold it agianst the 360 do ya. wait you can also upgrade a system for far less money than a whole new console. new cpu here, mother board there, gpu. people then tell me that it isn't that easy, well i tell them it's easier than managing all the friends codes for freaking wii online games.
i guess that my whole problem is that everyone thinks that the consoles are perfect, but how many console games have launched in a mared state in the last year, well let me think, assisins creed, mass effect, halo 3(and halo2 previously) smash brother brawl, gears of war bioshock ghost recon advanced war fighter. want to know what was wrong with almost all of them(except bioshock it was missing proper wide screen suport for the first four months it was out), Three things, LAG, Popins, Framerate drops dips and dives. sounds like previous pc problems, but you want to know the irony, you can't lower the AA to stabalize you are subjected to every developer short fall. there are a number of other glitches and what not withstanding are not as relevant as the point that pc gaming is no more dead than the ps 3 is supposed to be. games like world in conflict look so fantastic and it played at a perfectly exceptable clip of 30 fps at mostly high settings on my 4 year old game rig from my freshmen year of college(the one i built for less than 800 dollars).
actually world in conflict is a perfect example of what i'm trying to get at. it is a game that has one outstanding feature the streamlined interface that doesn't clutter, the fact that it is so intuitive, and yet the game offers tons of features not often found in such idiot proof games, you can click on the icon and the game will load up the go to quick launch into a server and be playin in under 60 seconds, or you can go to the server browser, or make a clan in game or adjust a friends list, text or vioce chat are both supported and wonderfully so. its a game that offers everything for the veteran and doesn't over whelm for the new player, it's the one rts i had no problem getting my anti rts friends to play cause they figured out how to play so quickly. the didn't feel overwhelmed the structure of the game allowed them to grow into it perfectly. that is the perfect gamers platform, it may not be pc, it may not even exist yet, but i do believe the pc is closer to ataining something like that with the advent of steam and it's universal functionality, if it takes over where games for window live was supposed to then we may have a chance. if the feature set of xbox live and user friendly ness of the ipod are combined with the possibility of the pc what will happen steam is growing faster than xbox live currently has the largest install base of any such software and keeps going. i don't worry about valve as much as i do about a hopefull eventual conformity among pc manufacturers dell gateway and sony etc... but one thing that we can't bet on is consumer competence. lets hope.
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