@gamerbum: I like the BR and prefer BR starts. I think the reason they do that is that the AR takes a little less skill to operate. It may be iconic but for Competitive I think the BR or Commando is the right choice. However all of this is subjective and more to personal preference than anything else. For competitive modes I would expect a lot of precision weapons on map and then shotgun equivalents(bulldog, masher or whatever that shotgun pistol is , then the heatwave) . I would also be very suprised if they dont constantly change the social lobby to change up starts and spawns constantly to keep the game feeling fresh.
This is not a lot but for MS it is huge. Traditionally the Japanese market is adverse to most American companies (excluding Apple) no matter what they are selling. I would guess Game Pass is the major driver of their recent success.
Can't wait to see what these guys are able to do with Fable. Especially since they will no doubt be working with the new Forza Tech engine and cutting Xbox One loose. This looks amazing and being able to concentrate on 1 gen should make Fable look even better.
I don't know what move he is prepping the audience for here . My guess is Nixxes or whatever that studio is named is about to get real busy with PC ports
@Crazy_sahara: I can attest to how hard they are to find. I got mine at launch but got two more for my buddies. It took almost a year to get 2 more for friends
There is no doubt in my mind that 343 has a hit with the MP. 4v4 was fun BTB was fun. Even when I got smoked it was still fun. I am kinda sad that it wont come out soon enough to be considered at the Game Awards because I have a feeling it would win some.
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