@UnifiedGamer The 360 is more user friendly, however, you can also do much less with it in terms of raw system features and settings compared to ps3, hence why I use my ps3 a lot more these days for even my non gaming needs. However M$ has made gangbusters with xbox so I suspect sony will go that route too sadly, just look at the new psn store which looks very very eerily like the xbox user interface.....
@SecularSage I pray with all my heart and soul, they make physical retail releases for all there "cloud" and DLC based games/content, otherwise they might as well not exist at all, because you never own your content. It can be taken away, blocked, restricted, or modified in anyway they see fit.
And if the platform ever dies, you can't play your old content should your device go south. Whereas with say a dreamcast, I can still buy a new system and games, and have no problem playing legacy content. Digital may be the future, but it's a bleak one for the consumer.
@jeffrobin @keldarironfist If you read my comment you will see I loved the first xbox and the 360 for its first initial years. But Microsoft has turned it into exactly as I described in my comment, and it is *that* which I hate, not the system itself. These practices/standards have set gaming backwards as far as the consumer is concerned (it's fantastic business for them obviously).
I can assure you my very accurate and rather bleak commentary is completely and utterly void of any suggestion of rape or murder thanks.
@elm_street_kid Amen brother. I own all the consoles of this generation and generations past. Microsoft has generally ruined gaming with the advent of paid DLC, ever increasing AAA budgets which narrow our selection of game choices for physical retail releases (the only kind that matter as I like to OWN my content).
It's ironic really. I played the shit out of my 360 in the early days given all the exclusive games they had, including wonderful JRPG's. But the second they got rid of the blades UI and became a "social media/streaming/windows 8" box, I knew it was over, at least in terms of being a gamer. Microsoft tends to ruin everything they touch. I never for the life of me expected to own more "gamey" games on the wii than I did the 360.
Thanks to this companies practices we now have retailer exclusive DLC, or DLC in general, a horrible practice. And we now have less and less quality games of varying budgets to choose from. At least sony gives me lots of exclusive retail content of both the japanese and western varieties, and nintendo too, plus it has a console that has a ton of hardware features that I can change to my liking unlike the very limited hardware settings of 360.
I loved the first xbox, it was amazing and so was early 360, but the 360 has turned into the DLC media app streaming dudebro box, and if I wanted that experience, I would just game on my PC which has vastly superior versions of all of 360's generic AAA western multiplatform grey brown brodude experiences.
Here is what I, and I suspect many others very much want.....Resident evil games to be survival horror again, on DISC with no DLC. Oh did I mention discs? Ya, NO downloadable DLC bullshit from now on. I, and many others want full retail physical copies of games going forward. Digital blows, period. Ownership > cheap digital copies. Also Okami deserves to have a physical release for the HD version you recently made. Yes, we would like to see more HD sequels to okami done going forward keeping the iconic artstyle and gameplay we all loved. Megaman? Yes please. Again PHYSICAL releases please, and full ones too, not this DLC nonsense.If it isn't clear yet, then I will reiterate once more, I hate digital, most gamers with brains who actually like to OWN there content do to. There is nothing wrong with making a digital release, just give people the chance to own a physical equivalent copy.
keldarironfist's comments