[QUOTE="Dacveo"]better deal http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9170844&type=product&id=1218043606347Going to jump on the current Best Buy bundle -- 80 GB "old" model, LBP and WallE BluRay for 299. LBP is selling for 30 on eBay, and Wall-E for 20+.
I've been having a tough time justifying buying the slim, since I'm usually hesitant to buy first iterations of new hardware, since the slim is pretty aesthetically unattractive, and since I really don't want to wait two weeks for a new system. I felt foolish paying the same 299 for a system with a smaller HDD and older parts, however.
That said, if I can get the old PS3 in 80GB for ~$250 (after re-selling the bundle add-ons), then I think that is a better deal at this point in time. Especially since for that 50 dollars, I can upgrade the 80 harddrive to 250, essentially (e.g.http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152167)
lol, emachines r da rockzors
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