There have been numerous threads on this, and it boils down to one thing. Whis was implemented a few months before the end of 2008, and it hasn't effected anything so far. It's a smart business move in trying times, what do people expect?
How is smart business? When adevloper want develop the psn anymore.
Microsoft has a similar business model in practice, except they charge the consumer, for that and other Live capabilities. Whereas Sony places the cost on the developer. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and Sony did this rather than charging the consumer, which could only drop their current console sales, not increase them.
Its not simiar because Microsoft charges the consumer where developers will still put out quality games, where now they would think twice when put a game out on the PSN.
sample http://www.pastapadre.com/7322/psn-bandwidth-charges-may-explain-no-mme-on-ps3
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