Yeah but, seriously, that kind of marriage isn't even worth it as far as I'm concerned. I understand where you're coming from, but for me, personally, marriage is something huge.
It's not something that should end in divorce. It's been tainted.
No. It doesn't destroy the definition. Do you even think?
So if everybody started calling oranges apples, would apples become oranges? NO. They're just wrong and the definition they try to create is just as wrong.
Haha you both probably have never even read the bible.
So I'm not allowed to use religion as an argument for something based off of religious beliefs? Please, you have no idea what your talking about so just stop.
You're just going to attack my beliefs instead of the subject. Nice job.
@brainiac1988 @kente10 Yeah EXACTLY. You can't say that the metal gear franchise is going in the wrong direction though. This is like a parallel universe, SEPARATE from MGS
Dude... The series is continuing with Ground Zeroes and regardless this game looks amazing. You keep stating it's a Spinoff, which means it's not a direct tie to the series, so why do you keep stating that it's not the right way for the series?
It'd be one thing if the game WASN'T considered a spinoff and named Metal Gear Solid 5, but it's not. It's totally different.
kente10's comments