Seriously? We're worrying about paying $60 A YEAR? I'm happy to pay that amount if it means I can have fun for an entire year. The real problem isn't this, it's the whole Season/Online pass bullshit, where if I buy a game that my brother and I will both use, only one of us can play online because there's one code. THAT'S the problem.
Really, if this were such a problem nobody would play Xbox Live. Go pay for a PS3 that will be outdated in a year, I don't care haha
Seriously, I never liked Tom. He's always pissed me off and I think his opinions are next to worthless.
Honestly, I came into this video thinking "This will be interesting, and if it's gone so far as to confronting a developer, I'm sure Tom will actually have good arguments this time." WRONG.
I have come to the conclusion that Tom McShea is an absolute idiot.
Tom: "War is hell. It's anything but fun. Why are you trying to make this fun? Why are you trying to make this a fun experience?"
Because it's a video game, and it's meant to be fun, you moron. I legitimately face palmed, paused the video, and signed into this account and decided to comment (which I never do) because I'm so appalled at this stupidity.
Tom. Get off your high horse. You aren't anything special because you "don't go with the flow of mainstream gaming."
That being said, the comments I'm reading down here have some pretty good points. Realism is great and all, but games are meant to be fun.
Kudos to Greg Goodrich for showing the world how much of a dumbass Tom is.
kente10's comments