Hahaha well then he should just stop trying to be funny because from here on out, I can no longer take anything he says seriously. Yet another person on Gamespot Staff who sucks.
@santinegrete Ehh I don't know about CoD doing that. All I know is that the new Black Ops pisses me off beyond comprehension. My fucking bullets don't register, they took away Hardcore Headquarters, and I keep getting spawn trapped in Capture the flag.
I know what you mean though, when busting your ass in a game actually had a reward.
@santinegrete @frothyrocket Yeah I know, dude. I would always get stuck in a game with a retarded team, and the other team would be a clan of people that all used the sawed-off, and this would happen 9/10 times I would play.
I just gave up and was absolutely infuriated. That game had the best graphics, coolest controls, and the most potential I've ever seen. It sucks.
@LordOfTragedy Oh man, you just gave me the chills hahaha I remember those days of spending hours getting lost in that temple.
Everytime I play a game on another system I feel like I'm not doing my job because I'm not getting achievements. I feel like such an asshole for even typing that.
@santinegrete @frothyrocket Haha you're absolutely right. I just wish nintendo would step up their game and stop being so gimmicky. If they made a system that wasn't directed towards little kids and my mom, than I would totally choose that over everything.
Sidenote: Gears of War has the most online potential for any game I've ever played, but the host advantage and sawed off shotguns make it suck hahaha
@santinegrete Haha it's a little important. There are a few people I work with that have PS3's, and whenever somebody brings up videogames I feel so bad because all they say is "I have nobody to play with... do you have a PS3?"
I always reply saying "Nah, I have an Xbox because that's what EVERYBODY has, and I like to play with my friends."
@santinegrete Yeah it kind of is. However, It seems like the only games that do that are the ones with the shitty online. Like Assassin's Creed III or Dead Space.
I'll tell you though, the most annoying thing is coming home with my brother by my side, gladly opening up a new game to find an online pass nestled in the side...
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