I wonder if the side missions include stopping off for potty breaks and ice cream every half hour. Vacuuming out the Kratos Mini Van DLC was delayed unfortunately.
@Marky360: I said last year they would yank this off the service and I was labeled a troll as no game will ever be removed from the service. And yet there it happened. None of the news outlets report entire story's since they simply parrot other sites. I read from the source, try to educate people and look out, fanboy piss and vinegar time.
This is exactly the model I said EA Access needed for me to take interest and everyone said, impossible.. no way.. Well, there it is. new games available day one on a subscription service. The cost for a full year is the same as buying just two games at launch. If they keep a steady flow of new titles, I mean newly released not catalog, this could be the killer service to beat. I would do it.
@hardcoregamer1: Looking at it from a different perspective, with Dolby Vision and new formats emerging, plain old HDR10 that started it all will be the least interesting or wanted in the years to come.
KhanWasHere's comments