Im sure any movie about Black Widow will have to include time wasting flahbacks to justify her purpose. She is the only marvel character on film (and Clint Barton) that has plenty of screen time yet just showed up one day already established.
Ive been pc gaming on tvs ranging in several sizes since the mid 90's. The only advantage this set has is the gsync and if you demand more fps than 60 its a huge deal.
I bought Deus Ex: Mankind Divided on PC when it launched. I played for several hours but it seemed so uninspired and by-the-book I never finished it. Did anyone else feel that way? Maybe there was just too much filler artificially stretching the game out longer than it needed to be. The previous Deus Ex was awesome and I finished that one easily.
I think I would be willing to spend up to about 28 shards for a reason to keep playing. With all "new" experiences with Destiny 2 spent, it's time to move onto other things while waiting for the second expansion. Grinding is not a reason to load up a game.
KhanWasHere's comments