@thegoodhustler: It only needs to get gamers through the next few years. After that something better will be available. The bottleneck comes when gamers refuse to upgrade and don't keep current with what the industry is doing.
@troystevens5: Survey's have proven that the Switch is in fact for millennials. No joke. Being that they live their lives starring into their phones and streaming their worthless lives online at all hours of the day, it makes perfect sense.
@roycruz: I was a Xbox 360 fanboy, then I became a PS4 fanboy and now I'm a Xbox One X fanboy. I'm a fan of whatever's best. Still love the Pro but If I had to choose between the two, 4k Xbox wins out over usually 1440p Pro. What I hate to see is people bashing good things. The Xbox One launch console was not a good thing and unfortunately, most of the community will be in that mode till there's no more denying the X.
I can't wait to see what Sony does. You know in two years they'll have their PS5 4k/60 console not to be outdone by Microsoft any longer. With Xbox steering the way for dynamic scaling it's very possible in the next few years games will just scale to the hardware and perform best on whatever has the most power.
@pspearman: The bulk of the online reviewers had about 4 or 5 titles and only Gears 4 being of any importance. Rolling Stone and some others are getting more current reviews out with actual games people are going to be buying new in the coming week.
Rolling Stone has their review up and they had more relevant X enhanced titles to work with. They gave it high marks. So far, the only negatives from online reviewers are the price and lack of quality X titles to judge their reviews on. Overall, I think people with 4K tv's are going to love the new Xbox. it's good Microsoft stepped up to the plate and fixed the error of their shitty launch xbox ways.
It's like 2005 all over again. Super excited for a new Xbox, new WWII Call of Duty to go with it, Quake IV was great but now we have Wolfenstein which is even better. Deja Vu in a good way!
The X might be a tough call for people stuck with a 1080p display for a while. But for 4K TV owners that have real HDR, it's a must if a PC is not an option or too much work.
It's a shame Microsoft was not able to get any quality x patches out in time considering they gave away consoles for review to half the internet. Kind of shot themselves in the foot on that one.
KhanWasHere's comments