@moonco: Keep a gun laying around in case someone actually breaks into your house and gives you something. How many Santa's are buried in the back yard?
@davillain-: Xbox One X has native 1440p for desktop PC monitors through it's HDMI port with freesync. You know that right? It downscale's the 4k where the PS4 Pro upscales the 1080p.
There are two camps of reviewers. People that are already familiar with 4K graphics and have the appropriate hardware to enjoy it. They've been around for a while and have seen the evolution of gaming first hand, they tend to have positive things to say and recommend it. Then there are the others... the people that still haven't completely modernized their home theaters or gaming rigs, are intern reviewers just starting off in the industry, maybe go to school still, have small to no budgets and keep things for a really long time because they can never afford to stay current, always come up with excuses for why something isn't needed or generally don't have enough experience with technology or wasn't even old enough to know a world without a smart device in their hand. They tend to feel each iteration of tech as it evolves is "hype" or a "hoax" and never quite agree on the advantages. Don't be the latter... if you've already adopted a large 4K display, Dolby Atmos or traditional 7.1 Digital Surround, UHD movies etc... if that's your world now then judge for yourself... If you are not in the enthusiast camp or are stuck in the archaic mindset that you cannot enjoy your entertainment on more than one device, move along. The new world is not open to you.
I think for the next week at least they need to focus on keeping live servers consistent. Outages won't be tolerated when half the planet is forced to download massive game patches.
Maybe gamers should read some of the other reviews going up. People seem to really like it while Gamespot's tradition of taking a shit on certain games remains unchanged.
Microsoft can't win. Their timing on matters is always way off. People have given them shit about not supporting PC gaming for years. They release a new console and then decide to support PC gaming, negating the need for a new console. Then they buy studios and artificially force timed exclusives on people for the console people stopped buying because they now support PC. Then the well runs dry on any type of exclusive right before they launch yet another console. Seriously... Tell me I'm wrong.
Despite all that. It took guts to release the Xbox One X after everything they've done, and didn't do. Those that observe the industry and have been around a while should still really appreciate the effort. If you can't compete in the gaming department, you must dominate in the hardware department making it less appealing to play the already existing games on any ones else's platform. That's how they hooked me in at least.
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