I've seen lots of remarkable 4k footage of Xbox One X gameplay of this recently. Looks comparable to PC on high settings to me. One thing that stood out however was the excessive pop in. I wasn't expecting it to be so bad. I guess you can't have everything if you intend to rely solely on console. maybe it was fixed for final release.
It's really bizarre to see so much going on in the distance yet have a tree and bush instantly appear only a couple yards in front of you. One of my console pet peeves unfortunately.
Back when Microsoft was taking suggestions for these I recommended Black. Didn't think anyone even remembered that one. Not that I have any way to play it at the moment...
The PS4 Pro has been out a year and it already appears that the Xbox One X has exceeded it in genuine support. Even the 360 games are getting X enhancements when nobody asked!
@beowulf1211: The launch lineup is anemic and there are no exclusives. However, I'm not loyal to any particular brand, only which is best. There are a few titles I'll play on the X, will still mostly game on PC and will continue to have all the exclusives on the Pro. At least Microsoft has redeemed themselves with a console no longer begging for ridicule anymore. Everyone will have different reasons for why they game on which console. I have specific games I just want to play on the X, I don't need an excuse or a reason for it's purpose.
Really looking forward to the Atmos for Headphones. I went all out and bought the Seinhauser 650's and a dedicated D/A with amp just for the Atmos audio on the X games. Add HDR/4k and BAM. It's good on PC too btw.. Sony took a dump with their proprietary 3D audio only supported by maybe 4 games with ZERO atmos in game support.
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