@everson_rm: I find gamepad to be a more relaxing method of gaming. I'm not competitive and prefer to have more fun than stress. I've gamed on PC with keyboard and mouse for nearly 20 years. I'm not a Call of Duty guy so it doesn't really benefit me. Campaigns on PC, online anything is console.
The Beta on PC was simply beautiful and ran perfect on on my 1080Ti with MSAA disabled. It's sacrilegious to say I could live without 60fps since I don't spend any precious time doing unnecessary PVP so I'm more curious to see how the X handles things since I prefer the Xbox controller.
I'll consider the campaign a $20 DLC add-on to a game that should only cost $40 because it's only an online multiplayer shooter made up of maps and those should never cost the full price of a complete game.
There are two sides to the Halo universe, the multiplayer and the campaign. There's a huge percentage of online gamers that either never touched the campaigns or only loaded them up out of brief curiosity. I'm a campaign guy and the MCC to me was great. It was remarkable seeing and playing all the games in 1080p for the first time. I hate that I have to wait for the X version next year but I anticipate some remarkable visual updates that will further the experience. Too bad the online kids (mentality wise mostly) are the vocal majority on all matters in the gaming world.
@heqteur: PC gaming is wonderful till you realize you have no choice but to digitally install a game you will some day never play again and will not have the choice to sell it, trade it, give it or loan it to anyone. You simply delete the money as if it never existed. But morally bankrupt, spoiled people never care about things like that. PC's... Powerful, no question... "best"... highly debatable.
KhanWasHere's comments