Wonder what the numbers will be a few weeks in. I haven't loaded the game in days and don't have any desire to. I wanted to play the campaign in 4k/60 on the PC but after a few hours on the Pro I believe I already have Destiny fatigue. Maybe it's the non stop flood of Destiny articles and advertisements everywhere I look that's turning me off to the actual game.
@melodina: Google is rolling out a fix for that early next year with Chrome 64. At least someone realizes it's a problem and needs to do something about this retarded guerrilla advertising.
Clearly he's not an Italian Plumber, because in the movie's I've seen with topless Italian plumbers cleaning lady's pipes, there's an excessive amount of chest and back hair.
It wasn't till Dishonored 2 that I really discovered and loved the franchise. Had I not got the original Dishonored free with part 2 I would have never experienced how good they both are. I hope they keep the world alive for future games.
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