Console gaming is finally, after all these years, coming into fruition. Cost vs performance is nearly there, graphics viability over PC is nearly there, features are nearly there...
I remember every generation of console launch was always an exciting time. The novelty of new hardware, new graphics and so on. I also remember how quickly the novelty wore off as the graphics and performance were constantly questionable finding myself right back on the PC. I've also been far ahead of the curve where back in the early 90's I've always had large displays. I've owned a 50" Pioneer rear projection TV as early as 1993 and have had several larger TV's and projectors over the years. I've become incredibly critical of my viewing experiences while others, in my opinion, have never evolved past the basic 25" tube TV experience. Only upgrading out of necessity and never out of the love for new tech and the never ending journey for the ultimate home entertainment experience. Even with people now owing LED panels, that old 25" Tube TV mentality is still with some of you. Perhaps you weren't even born in the era of tube TV's and rotary dial phones. Not having the privilege of watching tech advance and evolve over the generations. If you weren't there perhaps you are the one that sides with games only need to be fun and the performance and experience come secondary.
The PS4 Pro finally set a new benchmark where I don't have that itching urge to go back to the PC. Once you get in a game world that is visually stunning and smooth to play there is no itching for something better. The small handful of genuine PS4 Pro enhanced exclusive titles are so mind blowingly good on 65" OLED 4K HDR TV that I'm 110% confident the Xbox One X will still surpass that. There is nothing better for gaming at home right now than that setup.
To me $500 for a nearly quite box you can put a disc in and play a game that looks shockingly close to the PC version is well worth the cost. Even with water cooling, my PC is still too loud for my liking. Consoles tend to be fairly silent. For $500 you'll have the best graphics possible on a console, no question. If you have a HDR display, a real one with a wide color gamut not some shit TCL or Vizio that say they support it but only by a narrow margin, then you will be in for a treat. Not all these games will be in HDR on PC. I have a few and Windows 10 completely screws up the proper handling of HDR.
There's so much more to owning a PS4 Pro and the XoX. They are for a certain breed of gamer. One that has all the gear, understands it and knows how to enjoy it. $500 is a steal for what the XoX does. The PS4 Pro pricing is not a good comparison point because if you take it's $399 price tag, bump up the performance by replacing the APU with a new custom chip and add the UHD drive you already exceed the price of the XoX. Thank you Microsoft for making the Xbox One X. THAT is the definition of taking a chance and it will succeed because there are more gamers out there that can appreciate the overall gaming experience than you guys can imagine.
Open World games have to serve a purpose and the bulk of them currently do not. It's just devs going overboard pushing everything past 10 and it mostly always backfires.
For games like this that require you have an account with Bungie it would be nice to have access to your character on any platform of choice. It would be nice to bounce around between PC and PS4 Pro or even XoX whenever I wanted depending on who's online to team up with and still keep progression. I suspect that not possible because of the retarded PS4 exclusive armor sets but still, I can't see why that would prevent it entirely.
@aross2004: Sony first party titles have never been multiplayer focused. 80% for story driven campaigns that at many times will win a few awards. They add the online feature to some games but it's not the games sole purpose for existing. Microsoft first party have always been the opposite. Focused 80% on multiplayer to force you to buy the Gold membership and make a usually shallow, disappointing campaign that no one will remember.
KhanWasHere's comments