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killroycantkill Blog

Shh..... im not here....

Hey just wanted to sneak over to tell everyone about my new reviews blog i have started with my buddy. Check it out for some review of videogames albums and also thoughts about both.

Worst Day Ever!

First i fail my math class so i have to take two weeks of summer vacation and go to summer school in order to get my high school diploma. I got hit by a car riding my bike tonight. Nothing serious just some scrapes and a ruined bike. ALSO i broke my girlfriends MP3 player that she let me borrow while she is in veitnam for vacation and now i got to buy her a new one..... sigh..... im going to sleep.

Also i bought MGS4 and beat it in 2 days. One 5 hour gameplay strech when i got it then a 12 hour gameing marathon the next day. I LOVE THAT GAME!

This is an illusion

I know i havent posted in my blog in a while but i have been busy with school and finding a new job and RL stuff like that. But enough of that whats going on gameing wise.

First off the big gem, GTA4 i got it, beat it, loved it, but i didnt like the ending i got, lets just say the female should have died instead of the male. In Rock Band news I am ranked around 196 on the PS3 leaderboards for drums now. Its been really hard to move up from the 190 rankings because people keep upgrading there scores so fast. Another game I have been having fun with it S.T.A.L.K.E.R, that game is very fun. I am almost done with it but I am finding myself not wanting it to end and i am just exploring as much as possible. Also on the PC side I'm getting back into Oblivion. The game is just so addicting and i started a new file on my PC and got rid of all my hacked stuff and I am starting over and doing everything ligit (Which is harder than it sounds when you know how easy it is to get all the best stuff fast).

I also am getting back into playing my guitar because of the anime BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad which is an amazing anime about rock music. I would suggest anyone who is a fan of old school rock or just rock in general to check this show out. BUT you have to watch the english version becuase the engrish (Japanese-English) dose not suit the music and you will be turned off if you hear then singing like that. Back to the guitar, it was hella out of tune and i was tuning it but i kept hearing my 3rd string a lower than it was suppost to be so as i was tighting it i accidentaly broke the string, so now i need to find some money to but MGS4 plus a guitar tuner and a new set of strings.

Well thats it for my blog post. I am not going to make anypromises about when my next post will be but i hope you enjoyed me coming back,

Oh before i go everyone go check out my review of Rock Band. I put alot of time and effort into it and i hope you like it.

Quick Blog Post

Hello, hello. I havent been able to post for a while and sorry about that but here is the update on my gameing status.

In rock band i finaly beat all the main songs on drums and almost all of my downloaded songs accept for "Blinded By Fear" on drums. That song is freaking HARD. At last check i am ranked around 312 in the rockband leaderboards for drums. Also i finaly broke 9million points on my total carrer score.

I bought S.T.A.L.K.E.R for the PC and i have to say that his is an amazing game. I would recomend everyone here reading this to pick it up. You can prolly find it for about 20 dollars and it will run on most PC's. The story, the atmosphear, the mutants are all really awesome.

Oh also not game related but everyone start listing to a group called Justice. There a Electro/Dance group from france.

Well thats it for me i guess. Counting down the days until GTA4 comes out. Got my pre-order and everything.

DMC 4 Update. Wait what!

Well it cant be a update if i havent told you i have gotten the game so here it is. I bought DMC4 and it is awesome. I have been playing for i think 15+ hours and here are the stats.

Beat story mode on Devil Hunter and Son of Sparda mode.
Reached level 21 on Bloody Palace.
Unlocked a whole bunch of achivments.

Well thats about it and i have to say that this game is the most fun ive had this year with a video game.

The above statement was sort of a lie because the most fun im haveing is with Rock Band. I am now on the second last teir of songs on Expert on the drums and i am stuck on Foreplay/Longtime by Boston. THAT SONG IS HARD!!!!!! Also I have beaten the game on expert on guitar. I have also almost 5* every song but i still have to 5* two songs. Dead on Arival by Fall Out Boy (I hate that song) and Train Keeped a Rollin by Areosmith. Other than trying to 5* songs and beat the Boston song all the downloadable songs have been keeping me busy. I have beatin all of the downloads on guitar and drums accept for Siva by Smashing Pumpkins on the drums. That song is just so weird between the bass pedal and the pads.

Well thats my not so updated regularly blog for now. Until next time keep on gameing.

Fun > Problems

I have been busy with school and all but most of my assignments are done now and i can relax and make a blog post. So on the fun side. I have been playing Rock Band A LOT and i have downloaded a couple songs like the David Bowie pack and Fortunate Son by CCR. THAT GAME IS SO MUCH FUN!!! I have made it half way through Expert on durms and i completed expert on guitar. Also thinking of doing singing but..... yea singing..... not really my forte. Also on a trip to EB Games i bought Devil May Cry 3 SE.

The Bad. MY BASE PEDAL BROKE IN HALF. Guess im rocking out to hard. But i duck taped it back together and its accually working fine. Another bad is that i went today to pre order Burnout Paradise and when i got home i checked the recipt and it said i pre ordered Smash Bro Brawl for the Wii and im like WTF!!! So i have to go back to get the right pre order tommarow.

Thats the end of my blog. OH. Everyone go listen to the GFW Radio podcast on It is an amazing podcast and is sure to make you laugh and semi inform you.

Putting the O.G back in Blog

Sooooo....... i havent been posting often as i thought i would be because like i got like a truckload of HW to do and major assigments but i have still been playing games.

I beat Assassins Creed and i have to say it was a fun game but it gets very repetitive after a while. The story is awesome and the gameplay it tight its just that pickpocketing and easdropping get boring after a while.

Still playing CoD4 Multiplayer im lvl48 now. Its super addicting.

Still playing GH3 and rocking at it.

Waiting for Rock Band in canada im not sure of the relese date.

And i got a new HD video camera, is really freakin awesome.

Happy Halloween!

Well its been long overdue for my blog and mainly cuz my job and school has been keeping busy. So since right now im only handing out candy i thought i would update this internet space.

I bought alot of games so im going to just list them off.

Guitar Hero 3(PS3)
Everyday Shooter(PS3)
Zelda Phantom Hourglass(DS)
Half Life: Orange Box(PC)

All are very fun. Orange Box is amazing especially HL:EP2, Portal and TF2 haveing alot of fun with those.

Guitar Hero 3 is... well... guitar hero. I have beatin it on exspert and the Lou battle was a pain in the ass. Also its to bad you cant play Devil went down to georgia in normal play cuz its really fun. Lastly i still cant get past 2% in the dragonforce song on Exspert. Its really hard.

Well short blog post but il try to post more frequently. Now off to guild wars to meet the pumpkin king and get this years halloween event stuff.