I said MGS3 had better bosses
MGS4 controled better, played better, and story was presented better(cutscenes were directed at hollywood level compared to 3)
Not to mention MGO(which is part of MGS4)
MGS4 was the better package, but MGS3 did have some better elements(like bosses)
If MGS3 was realeased as the substance version, then yeah you could argue, but it wasn't. MGS3 was realeased in its origional flawed version with bad controls & the lack of a great online experience (MGO was great)
what the hell, it's not Substance version? Fail
We judge a game by its release, not its release or mods later. MGS3 was realesed with several big problems
edit: oh, you thought I ment the collection, no substance is the version in the collection. Just comparing which was better in its time
To overal summarize MGS3vs MGS4(what easch did/had better:
+better/more self inclosed story
+better bosses
+better atmosphere(nailed the cold war vibe
+Better directed story(more cinimatic engrossing cut scenes, very hollywood styl e)
+better/more refined gameplay
+better controls
+more diverse campaighn
+more options/features in campaighn(like you could make rebels your allies or enemies, gun system, ect)
+MGO(definitive PSN version)
Overall, MGS4 was the better package & game
had MGS4 all these years and never touched MGO. how is it, now?
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