lets see, its a matter of maths.
to have 99%, not 97%, not 90%, not 91%.
You need to have 100 single reviews.
99 of which mention "best looking game on console"
Now if you say it's an hyperbole you used to favour your argument, that's something else. But salesman speech, no thanks. I didn't even have to check your links to see it wasn't 99%.
dear god i'm sorry but please let this be a joke. Do you, no, do most peopleon SW not understand basic math? I mean everyone's like "yes i agree" and he's using VERY flawed math. The number doesn't have to be 100 to make 99% of something. We need better education systems seriously just :|
Sorry, tell me what other ratio makes it 99%, below 100?Considering every review as an unit, if you have, let's say, 50, and 49 say it's the best looking game it's a 98%. If you pick 99 reviews and 98 say it's the best looking game on consoles, you have 98,9%. Lol, you fail at maths.
to have 99% you need multiples of 100. That would be 200, 300, 400. This is for a true 99% ratio. If we mean anything above 99%, it's anything beyond 100 units, but until you have 100 units you can't have >=99%
Now tell me who needs the education here?
The 99% was just a figure of speech, not an excact number, so it is pointless
The point is that a huge number of reviews state Crysis 2 is the graphics king and none that it is not
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