Who cares for story, Halo still has the best gameplay by far, Crysis 2 is the next best thing, but still does not touch Halo in gameplay at allWhich is better? I say Crysis 2 has a much better story.
killzoneded's forum posts
PS3 has had some amazing exclusives this year already, even more to come till the end of 2011. Definitely more than xbox thats for sure. Unless you count all those Kinect "games" as big titles.tommyas
Torchlight was much better than KZ3 or LBP2 and so will be most Kinect titles
Also Torchlight and Divinity 2 are games i have played for weeks, than one day like KZ3
[QUOTE="killzoneded"]lul, i can't wait for a day when a Fable game is "crowned" Graphics king..Gears 3 and Crysis 2 (and soon Codename Kingdoms, Fable 4 and Alan Wake 2) look better than anything on consoles
So, 360 wins in this one by far
If it uses the new Lionhead megameshes engine has ever chance
Sony fans were listing Playstation Move Heroes, Yakuza 4 and others on it´s list of amazing PS3 exclusives, while saying that 360 only had Forza and Gears. So do you think Sony will announced top quality franchises which are exclusive this year?!
I thought i'd create the reversal of the Xbox variation of this thread. Not to be taken serious like 1st party games.
I am not interested in any PS3 games in 2011 beside Last guardian, which will probably come in 2012
Gears 3 and Crysis 2 (and soon Codename Kingdoms, Fable 4 and Alan Wake 2) look better than anything on consoles
So, 360 wins in this one by far
PS3 is behid 360 in both graphics (Crysis 2) and sales (3 million behind)
Also Kinect is a huge success, Move is forgotten like it never existed
Generally PS3 cant even compete with the 6 yo xbox360
we all know Crysis games have always been about Graphics, maybe campaign. So to all Crysis 2 console Hype-guys, how long did the Graphics or campaign last ya before the thought of trading/ selling came to mind? Because we all know the Multiplayer is a straight out COD + Halo rip off. monster-hunt
Far longer than Gears 2and Uncharted 2 combined
Note: a verdict was not given considering the major differences between developers and graphics engines, and our staff choices only reflect our personal preferences.
Graphics: The first thing we need to remember about these two games is that they have two very different ****. Killzone 3 seems to be shooting for a very realistic, yet strong, sci fi feeling with both setting and character models while Crysis 2 tries to capture a more true to life realism. Needless to say, both versions set out to do what they aim for. Everything from character detail to the texture of the terrain is done perfectly. While the difference is so minimal that it will go unnoticed, Killzone 3 seems to have a resolution advantage here. While Killzone 3 runs at full native 720p, Crysis2 runs in very SLIGHT sub HD resolution of 1152 x 720. However Crysis 2 doesn't hesitate to hit back with slightly better HDR lighting throughout.
Furthermore, both Crysis 2 and Killzone 3 have a slew of next generation rendering techniques that only high end PC's with decked out SLI graphics cards are able to achieve. For example, the physics engine handling the water and fluid effects, as well as destructible environments react in a very realistic manner. Although both games had these effects implemented, they both handled them slightly different - let us explain. For starters, environments in Killzone 3 seemed more destructible throughout. In some scenes you can literally make entire buildings collapse if certain support beams were destroyed. In addition, walls, concrete pillars, and even bathroom toilets could be obliterated. On the flip side, Crysis2 had its fair share of destructible objects, but the selection was a much less than those found in Killzone 3. Instead, Crysis 2 focuses on allowing players the option of interaction with a slew of objects. For example, almost any object in a scene can be picked up and used as a weapon, and there were tons of them in every level
note the
"While the difference is so minimal that it will go unnoticed, Killzone 3 seems to have a resolution advantage here. While Killzone 3 runs at full native 720p, Crysis2 runs in very SLIGHT sub HD resolution of 1152 x 720. However Crysis 2 doesn't hesitate to hit back with slightly better HDR lighting throughout."
"Crysis 2 focuses on allowing players the option of interaction with a slew of objects. For example, almost any object in a scene can be picked up and used as a weapon, and there were tons of them in every level"
Actually Lens proves Crysis 2 looks better and i prefer better lighting than anunoticable (their words) difference in resolution
Also real time physics are far better than scripted, so Crysis 2 wins again
In fact Lens actual comparisson proves Crysis 2 looks better and has better physics
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