I personally just returned am having a lot of fun. It might be worth it to wait until after the cataclysm though, as the entire world is going to change. Should happen in a week or two.
kipknots' forum posts
I got the last 40 stars that I needed in Galaxy in anticipation. Too bad that Galaxy 2 won't be out here for a few more weeks though.
If you like Aphex Twin I'd recommend trying the other big IDM names, like Autechre, Squarepusher, Boards of Canada, Plaid and U-ziq. Future Sound of London (especially lifeforms) and Amon Tobin are great as well. Warp Records, Planet Mu and Ninja Tunes are labels that release a lot of the stuff you're looking for.
Some examples:
Autechre - See on See (Just a warning, some of their stuff is extremely abstract and hard to get into. I'd recommend starting with some of their earlier albums before you dive into the Confield era).
Squarepusher - Fat Controller
Boards of Canada - Music is Math
Plaid - Headspin
U-ziq - Hasty Boom Alert
Future Sound Of London - Dead Skin Cells
Amon Tobin - Easy Muffin
Clark - Rainbow Voodoo
Speedy J - Drill
WOW Im liking TrackMania. I never did like MNR (I was the guy who said it was going to Flop), but I think TM beats MNR by miles. BUT I dont have a Wii and racers are my least favorite genre so whatever.................... Good for those with a Wii. Trackmania>>>>Mod Nation Racers and Im a cow :ORTUUMM
If you want to try Trackmania, grab Trackmania Nations from Steam. It's great, has pretty low system requirements and free to boot. There's also Trackmania United for PC which does cost money but has a lot more content. The Wii game is basically a port of the PC game with one less environment, but more blocks for at least one of the environments and some new editor tricks going by the last trailer.
Autechre - Oversteps is one of their best albums yet. Which means that it is mindblowingly good.
The next couple of months are going to be great, lots of good releases. Trackmania Wii, Red Steel 2, Metroid: Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Monster Hunter Tri and Sin & Punishment 2 all look great.
While there isn't really a great exclusive single player FPS available for the Wii, the Metroid Prime games are great FPS / Action Adventure hybrids and the Trilogy is a steal. Red Steel 2 seems to be great as well. Neither of these have multiplayer though.
The best RTS games are probably Little Kings Story (The gameplay is somewhat similar to Pikmin) and Dawn Of Discovery (although it is really a city building game).
There are a couple of guys on GAF that have gotten review copies that say that they enjoy it a lot. And from what I've seen it's going to be great.
To anyone that reads EDGE..what's a 5 on their scale?killerfist
According to the desciption in the magazine: five
Also, while I haven't played ffxiii I'm not that surprised about it. It's done by the team that also did FFX, which really was average at best. If XIII continues on the same path, a 5 isn't a strange score if you ask me.
Just get a good city bike. Far more practical then either a mountain bike or a road bike.
If you want to listen to some more experimental electronic music I'd recommend checking out Warp Records. Fantastic label, though some of the music can be hard to get into. Some good artists on the label are Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, LFO, Plaid, Squarepusher, Prefuse 73 and Autechre.
Also, I'd recommend Future Sound of London, Orbital, Amon Tobin and Underworld as well.
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