The industry I work in everyone works with Macs. About 500 hundred people I've worked with who use macs never ever get a virus. I've never had a virus since I've worked with macs close to 7 years. There is a reason why macs don't come installed with an anti-virus program.sgotskillz
Sorry to burst your bubble but you obviously dont know very much about your system, it does have malware/anti virus built in to it.
Apple like to keep it quiet and have hidden it well, after all there selling there products to customers on a lot of hype and hot air.
So much to say as they dont actualy name it but are using a type of variation of ClamAV, Check out Xprotect.plist which apples updates regulaly.
Typical MAC users need keeping in the dark to keep them beliveing the apple hype.
Also a little about my experiance , i hold both my MicrosoftMCSE and Apple Certified Support Professional Qualifications, i currently look after 125 Mac`s in computer labs and 560 pc`s,
The hardware failiure (average ratio)between both Mac`s and windows pc`s are pretty much even, the same goes for software problems.
From my perspective Apple products may look nice but your paying over the odds for a brand name nothing more.
Windows 7 is currently a far more secure and robust OS than Apples current offerings.
ClamAV is only pre-installed on OSX server. You do know the difference between OSX server the the OSXdesktop counterpart right?
Thank you for your remark yes i know server and desktop.
But may be you should learn how to read understand and quote ;)
I did not say it had ClamAV.. i stated it had Xprotect.list on desktop.
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