You guys don't get it do you? Mass effect has a completely new dialogue system, it's not just custcene in engine sequences. The facial animations might be better in other games like hs, but you have no controll whatsoever as to what happens in those. The developers can just move the face and all that however they like with the limited amount of dialogue that goes on in the game. In mass effect, thats simply imposible because the amound of time you spend talking will last more than heavenly sword as a whole game. Mass effect has way more dialogue then hs and you actualy participate and choose what you want to say.
If you want to compare mass effects facial animations compare it to a game that does the same like oblivion and kotor... after that you will realise why the game is so praised in that department.
last time i checked, tons of dialouge can be boring (not saying that me is a bad game, it looks great).
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