kiwisama's forum posts
how can a "generic" and average shooter that doesn't do anything "new" still get 9/10 from almost every site?
think about that, haters.
it's because with all the hype, excitement, marketing, ads and tons of money invested into the launch of this game, reviewers can't afford to themselves to flop the game, since if they did flop the game they will lose credibility from tons of people, even if the review was spot on.
take Gamespot for example, if they flopped Halo 3 they'd probably lose like 50% or more of their community.
capcom should reveal in the future games that all what happened in DMC2 was a dream (more like nightmare) that dante had, that's it.
pes all do way!
i only once tried fifa, it was 05, and from that day my fingers never touched a fifa game again.
where is dmc4? the new trailer of dmc4 is the only thing in tgs that made my jaw drop.
indeed tgs was hyped to have tons of suprises and be the best so far, so i guess tgs 07 flopped?
i hope it gets better cos repeating the same combo chain over and over again seems boring.
oh and is the block automatic or does the player has to be quick with the button? i hope it's the second option cos that way it will seem more fast paced.
All you FF fans out there if you even say Lost Odyssey is MEH and you don't think it will be good. Then your not even a real FF fan because not only is Lost Oddessy a NEW franchise and is a FRESHLY new franchise. It looks to better graphically and gameplay wise then FF. Oh and yeah it's a new MS Franchise to take the crown from FF.
Oh and keep in mind MS always show gameplay of there games. Not like Sony that like to mostly like to hide behind CGI cutscenes. Becuase MS know the 360 produces better graphics so they can FLEX that on Sony and not be scared.
Anyway. Here is the NEW KING on the block and this will become the next big LONG running Mega hit franchise to lay to rest the long lived once king FF.
Guess What it's MS owned and MS has a new secret deadly weapon and this game will steel a lot of loyal Sony fans that are mainly on board with Sony becuase of Jrpg's and FF.
Say hello to the NEW KING
maybe i'm a bit uninformed but when did we saw ff 13's gameplay and in game graphics?
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