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#1 knowledge-funk
Member since 2008 • 405 Posts
By simply reading the comments, I have the impression that either you didn't even bother reading my post because it includes more than 200 words, or that you simply do not care, and love your government too much to even slightly question their conspiracy theory of 9/11.
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#2 knowledge-funk
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You strike me as the type that thinks 1984 was a true story. Cerussite

Yes, this topic and 1984 do have a great similarity, however I do have the ability to understand that one is a book and the other a current situation.

Rather than trying to disclaim by ripping my credibility, why don't you give me arguement a chance, and research what I present you.

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#3 knowledge-funk
Member since 2008 • 405 Posts

After watching all films, I still feel that 9/11 was not an inside job, simply put, if it had been atleast ONE person would have spoken out from inside the government. All we have are a couple of college students who make rash claims that could easily be explained away if only they had looked at it objectively.hokies1313

I'm glad you at least show some interest.

I understand that your stereotypical belief is that only "college students" make movies, this is however untrue. Many professors, politicians, and researched citizens have also argued this topic, and as-well presented ideas through their movies.

If you followed the link I presented you would have found these movies.

Here are some:

9/11 - The Ultimate Con

America: Freedom to Fascism

*Aaron Russo made this movie; politician

David Ray Griffin - 911 Commission Report: Ommissions and Distortions

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#4 knowledge-funk
Member since 2008 • 405 Posts

I know that this topic has been brought up countless times everywhere, but it is brought up for a reason.

The following is simply an orientation, introducing the arguement, but not yet the idea.

The Two-Step 9/11 Truth Expedition

Understanding the full truth of 9/11 seems to require two separate awakenings.

The first, awakening to the fraudulence of the "official 9/11 story," is a pretty simple brain function and only requires a little study, logic or curiosity. We can help a lot with that part here and it's a major purpose of this site.

The second step, however, consciously confronting the implications of that knowledge--and what it says about our media, politics and economic system today--is by far the harder awakening and requires an enormous exercise of nerve and heart. (As the Chinese say, "You cannot wake up a man who is pretending to sleep.") In other words, this part of the journey depends more on character than on maps and evidence so we can't help you much here, except to point out inspiring heroes and heroines who have courageously faced that truth, spoken out, and survived. (Though we might also point out the intriguing fact that our 9/11 heroines now outnumber 9/11 heroes by about six to one.)

The Mission: Where we are going with this and where we are not

Although our members and friends in the truth movement hold a variety of opinions about what actually happened on September 11, 2001, as an organization generally believes that our chance for justice is now best served by focusing on the following five points:

The frequently warned of 9/11 attacks handed a lackluster presidency irresistible political power to increase inequality, repression, corporate domination, and imperial warfare (and even boost its electoral clout);

Since this administration benefited so mightily from these crimes, a reasonable person (or investigation) might find it prudent to at least question its possible complicity. Even the minimalist LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) complicity scenario constitutes high treason--i.e., the supposition that high officials knew a blowback attack was coming, understood the incredible poltical power it might confer, and preemptively disabled the few working parts of government that might have been able to thwart its success (by ignoring foreign warnings, quashing domestic investigations, cancelling Counterterrorism Task Force meetings, rewriting air emergency response protocols, staging distracting aerial war games, etc.)

There is now more than enough compelling evidence of just such official misconduct, foul play, perjury and obstruction of justice to constitute probable cause for a full criminal investigation of all 9/11 events;

Despite continuing avoidance of this issue by our Congress, major parties and corporate press, there is widespread public support for this perception and course of action (as demonstrated by the August 2004 Zogby 9/11 Poll);

If we as a people refuse to demand truth and justice on a matter this grave, we will deserve our leaders' contempt and embolden them to further treachery. (They and their predecessors have, after all, gotten away with the now documented lies of the Tonkin Resolution, the JFK and MLK assassinations, Iran-Contra, Flight 800, the Waco Davidian murders, the Pentagon's "missing" $2.2 trillion, etc, etc. without consequence. Why should they start worrying about what the "sovereign people" think now?) We have to stand up and draw the line somewhere or we can kiss our hopes for security, solvency and democracy goodbye.

Wildlife to be Avoided

There are a good number of irrational and unsupportable 9/11 theories and theorists "out there" that have been used to great effect to discredit 9/11 truth advocates as whole (Check out Rule 4 in "The Twenty-five Rules of Disinformation" to grasp the tactic and then watch it in action in Popular Mechanics' recent 9/11 smear). We are therefore also concerned about these spurious plot lines and how they are exploited, and we criticize many on our site. Every large and growing movement picks up a few noisy dunces or provocateurs in the margins, but they do not in any way invalidate the well researched evidence at its core. We only pray that those drawn to the 9/11 issue by sensationalist claims will stay long enough to learn the less theatrical but equally damning truth.

The Twenty-five Rules of Disinformation

Popular Mechanics' recent 9/11 smear

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#5 knowledge-funk
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it is simply not only about god, but our overall understand of lifes' events.

I suggest you give it a try, and than judge.

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#6 knowledge-funk
Member since 2008 • 405 Posts

This is a very intresting topic which is presented in the following video.

"Nobody knows what will happen in the next few hours or even in seconds. Time flies in the countdown to one's own death. Every day brings that predestined day closer. In this film you are invited to see the true nature of our worldly existence. It is a short and deceptive life in which worldly desires seem fascinating and full of promise, but the truth is much different. Keep in mind: This film may be your final warning to remind you of death ... and lead you to rethink about your duties to God and the here after."

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#7 knowledge-funk
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Before I forget, I understand that most base what they know on tv broadcasts and new from television. I suggest you try and understand who really runs these networks.

Owners of the media conglomerates that cover up the truth and hypnotize the masses into submitting to their New World Order:

Before you all begin saying and complaining that I am using youtube videos and others such from google, what other way could this information really be released? Videos are simple and logical ways of presenting an arguement or idea.

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#8 knowledge-funk
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You lack credibility because you don't present your ideas in a coherent manner.gobo212

Sorry for not responding to this thread, but complete forgot about it.

I understand that what you are saying, but there is simply too much to explain about this topic, that an argument must be constraint into subtopics.

Watch this short video just to get into the mood. ;)

Let me first start my asking you all what you know of world's economy.

Where does money come from and how is it made?

For the americans, what really is the federal reserve, and who really owns it?

I would suggest you watch one of the following documentaries about this subtopic. Rather than responding with ignorance; refusing to show any interest, give it a chance, and then do your research.

To those who are really confused on your decision for voting, I suggest you study each candidate closely.

I will start you of by giving you an article and movie about Hillary Clinton, about her and Bills possible capabilites and past influences.

"European elite back Democratic frontrunner

By Daniel Taylor

"...Hillary will be good for America... we'll be very pleased that she's president." - Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Portfolio magazine, October 5, 2007

While President Bush's approval rating falls to record lows, the torch is being prepared to pass on to Hillary Clinton, with full endorsement from the global elite. With support from European nobility, Clinton has been selected as the candidate of choice for the continuation of globalist policies. Bill Clinton, being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, as well as the secretive Bilderberg group, was the creme de la creme establishment candidate. His wife, Hillary, who likely attended the 2006 Bilderberg conference in Ottawa Canada, now promises to follow in his path.

In an October 5th interview conducted by Lloyd Grove of Portfolio magazine, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of Sir Evelyn Rothschild, openly proclaimed support for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Lloyd Grove begins by commenting on Lynn's influence, writing of her first meeting with her future husband Evelyn Rothschild which took place at the 1998 Bilderberg conference in Turnberry, Scotland,

"When 67-year-old British banking scion Sir Evelyn Rothschild first set eyes on 44-year-old Lynn Forester at the 1998 Bilderberg conference-the matchmaker was none other than Henry Kissinger-she was already a woman of major means."

When asked by Grove if Clinton will be "good for business," Rothschild replies,

"First of all, Hillary will be good for America. And so if we care about our country -which all of my fellow capitalists do -we'll be very pleased that she's president."

Writing in the Council on Foreign Relations publication Foreign Affairs, Hillary Clinton outlines her agenda if elected president. Iran is in Clinton's sights, along with regional government, and likely support of the North American Union - and possibly a Pan-American union - with a "policy of vigorous engagement" with Latin America.

Regarding Iran, Clinton echoes the rhetoric coming from President Bush and the Neo-cons,

"Iran must conform to its nonproliferation obligations and must not be permitted to build or acquire nuclear weapons. If Iran does not comply with its own commitments and the will of the international community, all options must remain on the table."

Clinton's "vigorous engagement" stance toward Latin America would make North American integration proponent Robert Pastor and the CFR proud. Regional government, as well as regional currencies have been a long term goal of Bilderberg globalists and the Council on Foreign Relations. Clinton, if elected president would pursue further integration of Africa into the African Union,

"We should target these countries for aid and other forms of support and work with them to strengthen regional institutions such as the African Union. The AU seeks to emulate the European Union by requiring and supporting democracy among its members..."

Hillary Clinton congratulated Walter Cronkite in 1999 for his global governance award, given to him by the World Federalist Association for his support for a system of world government. "For decades you've told us the way it is, and tonight we honor you for fighting for the way it could be," said Clinton.

Watch this video too see Clinton's statment.

The thin veil covering the almost indistinguishable difference between the two major parties has all but disappeared. The good Congressman from Texas named Ron Paul is the only candidate that comes with no strings attached leading to globalist puppeteers. Paul's popular yet simple message of freedom is spreading, while the establishment scrambles to scare up support from ever more skeptical Americans for their increasingly un-popular candidates. "

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#9 knowledge-funk
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I understand that the majority of the people in this forum quickly dismiss any claims of such "new world government" or 9/11 conspiracies. I only ask that you debate with me, and give me a chance to try and explain my understanding and belief of the corrupt ones who run our lives.

I have given the opposers respect by studying their claims, and watching films such as screw loose change and zeitgest debunked.

I suggest you watch better researched films that can be found at